Smith-Steeb Office Assistant 2015-2016

oa staff 1

Since August 5, 2015, I have had the opportunity to become a big part of the community of Smith-Steeb Hall by being an office assistant.  This position has given me the most growth out of everything that I have been involved in thus far.  I have improved my communication skills, am less shy when talking to people I do not know, and have discovered my true passion is helping others.  Coming from a small town in Appalachian Ohio, community has always been one of my core values, and this position has allowed me to contribute to the community of my residence hall.  I know that this is occurring because I will see residents that I have worked with around campus or in passing during my shifts, and they’ll take the time to stop and chat.  I am grateful to have had such an opportunity and to have been apart of such a wonderful team.

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