Year in Review

Although these past two years of college have challenged me in ways I didn’t not know was possible, the knowledge and resilience I have gained is invaluable.

  1. Global Awareness: These past two years have afforded me experiences that have increased my global awareness tremendously. For instance, as a member of the Morrill Scholars program, I have had the opportunity to have discussions about the minority experience in America, and how we can challenge stereotypes and enforce change. In addition, in my past classes such as sociology and anthropology, I have been introduced to ethnocentrism and how discrimination affects people from all walks of life. In the wake of social injustices this past year, I have made the decision to not only education myself on social inequity but participate in social justice efforts such as peaceful protesting. In addition, in the future I am planning travel to Ecuador on a study abroad trip. On this trip I will explore what women’s rights look like in that country, and how we can practice sustainability. All of these experiences will help me to become a better global citizen.
  2. Original Inquiry: As I have taken more advanced courses in my major of biology, I have gained experience in the lab room as well understanding why we do science. In my Organic Chemistry lab, I have had the privilege to synthesize compounds and understand the different mechanism of an experiment. I have learned that science teaches us the basic building blocks of life, and that those building blocks affect me on a daily basis. In addition, in my evolutionary biology course, I have learned that a lot of what I see around me is the result of past complex processes. In a way, original inquiry is done by working backwards. For that reason, I can use my daily experiences to spark curiosity as I consider why the world is the way that it is. In the future, I want to conduct my own undergraduate research or participate in a research program. I also hope to become more confident in the lab room as I grow in my understanding and continue to advance my course work.
  3. Academic Enrichment: I chose to have a Bachelor of Science in Biology as my major because I am interested understanding the underlying processes of life. I enjoy learning about life on the micro as well as macro level. For instance, I am taking courses such as biochemistry and molecular genetics to understand the chemical systems that take place within all life. I am also taking classes such as psychology and behavioral neuroscience to understand how the mind interacts with the body, and how, in turn, these interactions affect how we interact with the world. I am choosing to have a minor in Creative writing because writing has always been a major part of who I am, and I believe that here is no use in great ideas if I cannot effectively communicate them. Learning about writing will help stimulate my mind as well as improve my communication skills. Classes such as physics and organic chemistry not only fulfill my pre-med requirements but train my mind to be committed as I take challenging courses. This is useful in my future career as a doctor.
  4. Leadership Development: For extracurriculars, I have been part of the Morrill scholars program, and I have had past job experience as a Student Office Assistant. In the Morrill Scholars Program, we have had to create group projects. For one, we were tasked with creating a video project that speaks on a social issue. In my group we wrote lines and created a story about stereotyping. Although this experience was out of my comfort zone, I was able to offer my ideas and finish the project. That experience made me realize that being a leader is about serving others, and being able to not just speak, but listen. In addition, I have had experience as a Student Office Assistant at the Math and Statistics Learning Center at the Ohio State University. I guided people, but I also had to learn to problem solve if an issue were to arise. Later on, I went to apply these same methods when I was a Student Office Assistant at the College of Dentistry. These experiences will help me in my future career as a doctor because it taught me the importance of serving others while problem solving.
  5. Service Engagement: For service engagement, I have participated in Buckeyethon as we raised funds to combat childhood cancer. Although I was only able to attend this event virtually, It did inspire me to promote change no matter where I am. In addition, to combat social injustice, I’ve spent time researching petitions and organizations to donate to as well as attending rallies. I’ve learned that although we cannot do everything, each one of us can do something. In the future I plan to participate in service-learning during my education abroad trip, and pursue service anywhere that I am.


I have many goals for my next four years at OSU. I plan to grow as a person as I explore what interests me, and how I can add value to not only my life but others as well. I aim to learn from my mistakes, and broaden my perspectives. I can begin doing this with the Honors and Scholars G.O.A.L.S. .

One way I aim to broaden my perspective is through global awareness. I want to take classes, such as sociology or anthropology, that would show me other ways of life and ideas that are different from my own. I would also like to study abroad in the future, and learn about different cultures and customs. I believe global engagement is a very important part of creating a more inclusive society. I also want to be a champion for diversity by including others and being aware of differences. 

In addition, through original inquiry, I can become a better student who values not only education, but the act of learning itself. For example, I want to participate in research opportunities in the future, and especially those that pertain to my major of biology.  I want to learn more about how research contributes to my experience as student and how I can use it to enrich my own education. I also want to take more opportunities that would put in charge of my own learning, so that I can gain more accountability. 

Starting right now, I want to I let go of my fear of failure, and I can do that Academic Enrichment. Often times, I doubt my own ability simply because a class is not easy. I want to understand and believe that struggling in a class is a sign of growth. It shows that I am putting myself outside of my comfort zone, and allowing myself to grow and change  in a way that is imperative to my success as a student. I want to also take 4000 level and honors classes that challenge the way I study, and the things that I know. I want to also develop and grow my study habits. 

In college, I also want to utilize more opportunities to develop my leadership abilities. I want to push myself to do more for my community, and participate in student organizations.  I also want to go to the next careers fairs, and gain internship experience. In addition to this, I want to give back to my community through service. One service group I have considered is habitats for humanity.  I aim to grow as a person through all of these experiences.  

Overall, to me, G.O.A.L.S. are a guideline for my college experience. They are a way for me to stay on track, and to remind me of my purpose even when things get stressful. I hope to keep these goals in mind even beyond these next for years. 


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation includes both a description of the artifact and a reflection on why it is important to you, what you learned, and what it means for your next steps.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

My name is Shirleen Otieno, and I am a first year student at Ohio State University. I am majoring in biology, pre-med. I am passionate about social justice and mental health. I am the oldest of 3 siblings, and am from Columbus, Ohio. I am excited for the future.