The following information should be included in your CV:
1) Your full name
2) Your permanent address (and current address–if they are different, both should be included)
3) Your current phone number and email address. Make sure to provide ones that you will check regularly, as many programs use email as the primary contact. Make sure that your email address is not “inappropriate!”
4) Section: Education. Here you will list your degree, either Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, and the date of conferral (if you have not graduated, please indicate “month, year (expected).” List where you received the degree (school name, city, state), what your major(s) and minor(s) were, and your overall GPA (written as “x.xx/4.00”).
5) Section: Honors, Awards, and Leadership. Here you will list out any honors or awards that you have received. List the dates that these awards were received. If you have been a leader/officer of an organization (including student groups), please list that here.
6) Section: Student and Professional Affiliations. Here you will list any organizations of which you are a member. List the start and end dates (if currently a member, indicate “2014 – present,” for example). If you are a student affiliate of an organization, list this as “organization (student affiliate).”
7) Section: Research Experience. Here you will list your involvement in research labs. Create one listing per lab, though you can describe several projects within that lab. The information you provide should include: the name of the lab, the dates of involvement, position title (usually undergraduate research assistant), location (usually The Ohio State University Newark, Newark, Ohio), involvement in study tasks (ask your advisor!!), and the name(s) of your advisor(s). You may also want to give an indication of how many hours of time you have spent in the lab, as this will help programs evaluate your research potential.
There are also two subsections that should be listed here: 1) Published Manuscripts (and/or Manuscripts in Progress), and 2) Presentations. Published manuscripts should include the APA-format citation for any published papers in professional journals. If a paper is under review or in preparation for submission, it should instead go in the “in progress” section. Presentations can include those done in Newark, Columbus, and regional/national sites. These should be listed in APA format.
8) Section: Other Relevant Work Experience. Here you should list information (in the same format you use for the research experience section) about relevant jobs/internships you have had. If your work experience could be related to psychology in some way, include it here. If you are unsure what to include, please ask your advisor!
9) Optional Section: Current Research Interests. You may want to include a bullet-point list of areas you are interested in researching in grad school.
10) Optional Section: References. Many choose to list contact information for their references here, but many also choose not to list any references.
Please see an example CV here. Keep in mind that Dr. Buelow has been out of school for multiple years and has sections that you will likely not need!