IA: Current Event Night #3

In this Current Event night, we started by talking about the massive hurricanes that hit Latin America. These have been very devastating especially to Guatemala’s central region. Hurricane Eta killed 200 people earlier this month and the next hurricane that’s about to be hit is warned to cause massive landslides. The next event we discussed was the Diwali celebration. This celebration is a festival of light for the victory of good over evil. This is a large celebration in India and Nepal which raised concerns about COVID spread. Going on to a more serious event we shifted to talking about the Armenia, Russia, and Azerbaijan Agreement. This was a very negative experience for the Azerbijan President but did it to stop the bloodshed on certain territories. Russia has been the middle man to try and compromise and a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. On a happier note, we talked about Turkmenistan’s golden dog. This is a statue of a dog made of gold as a symbol of national pride in the authoritarian nation. Dogs are seen as a part of the national heritage and are used as herders with a population of six million.

We then talked about the Sudan Coup. There are many aspects playing into this situation like raising living costs, loss of oil revenue, and an economic collapse. There was a non-violent protest met by violent government response. Their leader was put under house arrest for his crimes against the people. Lastly, we finished up by talking about the unemployment crisis in the United States the is starting to shrink. The unemployment rates are at an all-time high but the numbers continue to decrease. The economy is not producing at the full outcome and will result in a higher price level eventually.

I really enjoyed this Current Event night I feel more informed and educated about what is going on in the world.

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