Year in Review

This year was a time of huge ups and downs.  I left home, moved away from my twin sister for the first time ever.  I lost some of the most important people in my life, and struggled with keeping my own identity at college.  But I also learned how to be on my own, made friends, explored and began to love a city I had despised for my previous 7 years in it.  I joined organizations that let me lead and learn, took classes that expanded my horizons and became a bigger, better person because of OSU.  This year has, overall been one of great learning and change.


Next year I hope to continue the same trends of learning, leading and living.  This year, OSU left its mark on me, next year I would like to return the favor.  Whether its the classes I’m taking or the organizations I will be involved with, I hope I can give back to OSU in some way.