Convergence: Update for the College of Optometry – June 14, 2021

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Q/A from webinar:

Q: Do the same masking rules apply in direct patient care?
A: Yes. There is no change for clinic, patient oriented research, and the pre-clinic. All require masks regardless of vaccination status.

Q: Does the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes daily screening still need to be completed and recorded?
A: Dean Zadnik has asked the Provost and is waiting for an answer.

Q: Are masks required on the first floor of Fry at all times, or is it dependent upon whether or not research patients are there?
A: If there is no active patient-based research occurring, then masks are not required for fully vaccinated faculty and staff.

Q: Will people in the Neil Ave. Wedge be required to wear masks?
A: No. Only in the clinic.

Q: How certain are we about the 85% vaccination rate.
A: This percentage is based on our students who have reported to the Student Health Center.

Q: Are masks required in the pre-clinic area, where it is only students and faculty?
A: Yes, due to the close proximity.

Q: What about mask wear in the consult rooms?
A: Yes. Consult rooms are located in the clinic.

Q: Walking into the wedge from 1st floor outside entrance before going into BadHabits lounge, there is a sign that reads Mask still required when entering. But OK for no mask wear once we get into the Bad Habits lounge?
A: Jim Woods and Mat Johnson will work with FOD on new signage that outlines new guidelines.

Q: Do in person meetings include clinic or are they for administrative meetings only?
A: Any staff, faculty, and students can meet, but all college masking guidelines must be followed.