Big Picture

Language Educator Professional Learning Network (PLN) Logo

Language Educator Professional Learning Network

The 05/03/14 10AM – 11AM EST Blended and Online Language PLN Discussion will focus on the following topics:

The Big Picture
Big Ideas





Preparation: Before our Saturday discussion group, I ask everyone to take a step back and take a look around you. If someone were to take a photo of the “big picture” what would it look like? What would it include?

Use the hashtag  #langblendonline to include in tweets when it relates to blended, online, and distance language courses, programs and policies.

Learning Objectives:

By actively participating in this discussion group, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify some of the reasons blended, online and distance language courses are being offered (inter)nationally.
  • Share what their “big picture” is at each of their institutions, units or departments.
  • Connect the dots and see patterns across units, departments and institutions to understand why there is a need to offer blended, online and distance language courses.
  • Share our big ideas for the future.
  • Determine if our big ideas fit in the big picture.

Discussion Questions:

What is the “Big Picture” we need to see and understand?

  • Who is in today’s session?
  • Where are you?
  • What is it like in your country, state, city, institution, department?
  • Why are you going to or why are you offering blended, online or distance language courses?

What are the big ideas we have?

  • What do we need to consider before we act on any big idea?


The big picture questions I’ve been asking myself are:

  • Why the need to offer blended, online and distance language courses?
    • What do today’s learners need and want?
    • What do today’s educators need and want?
    • What do today’s employers need and want?
    • What do today’s schools, colleges, universities and communities need / have to offer?

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

RECORDINGS from May 3rd – Excerpts

  • Segment 1: Introduction
  • Synchronous Participants: Christine Miller, Silvana Ruckman
  • File Format: mp3
  • Duration: 06:08
  • File Size: 8.8 MB
  • Transcript: Coming soon


  • Segment 2: Synchronous & Asynchronous Activities
  • Synchronous Participants: Silvana Ruckman and Christine Miller
  • File Format: mp3
  • Duration: 09:24
  • File Size: 13.5 MB
  • Transcript: Coming soon


  • Segment 3: LMS, Cloud Tools, Security
  • Synchronous Participants: Silvana Ruckman and Christine Miller
  • File Format: mp3
  • Duration: 04:37
  • File Size: 6.7 MB
  • Transcript: Coming soon


  • Segment 4: Previous Experience, Tools for Speaking Practice, Assessments
  • File Format: mp3
  • Duration: 06:25
  • File Size: 9.3 MB
  • Transcript: Coming soon


  • Segment 5: Online Text / Workbook, Customized Activities, Authentic Materials, Communicative Approach, Adult vs. Younger Learners
  • File Format: mp3
  • Duration: 04:48
  • File Size: 6.9 MB
  • Transcript: Coming soon


Transcripts coming soon [under construction]


Depending on the number of participants each Saturday, I’ll be in a Google+ Hangout or Adobe Connect chat room. See the page “Saturday PLN” for discussion topics and schedule or click on the following link to the schedule:

Please reserve a seat by signing up via SignUpGenius by 8AM EST the day of each session:

  • Google+ Contact Info: SPPO Individualized
    • Participants will need to provide a gmail or Google+ contact info at the time of session registration
    • Participants will receive an invitation message to their g-mail e-mail account the day of the discussion session (if the gathering is to be held in Google+ Hangouts)
    • If less than 10 people register, we will meet in a Google+ Hangout
  • Adobe Connect (CarmenConnect) Room:
    • After you register, you will receive a password to gain access to the Adobe Connect virtual meeting room (if the gathering is held via Adobe Connect)
    • If 10+ people register, we will meet via Adobe Connect

Ongoing Communication: Use the hashtag  #langblendonline to include in tweets when it relates to blended, online, and distance language courses, programs and policies.

I look forward to our discussions!  -Christine Miller


Google+ Hangout Sign Up Tutorial [click on link below for downloadable document]

Google+ Hangout Sign Up TUTORIAL

Adobe Connect (CarmenConnect) Help Resource




Downloadable Computer/Device Requirements PDF: Hangout AdobeConnect REQ rev0414


NOTE: It is recommended participants attend the live chats, but discussion groups each Saturday will be recorded and posted for later viewing/listening.

  • If you cannot attend the live session, please still register and include a comment that you cannot attend a session. You will receive an e-mail once recordings and other materials have been posted for that session.
  • Active participation in a live discussion session is encouraged in order to provide and share other people’s experience from other areas of the local community, state, country and world. Attending a live chat also allows individuals to ask the questions they most want answered, and get more personalized responses.
  • Registered participants will receive a release form for permission to use their recorded contributions to the chat (text or audio messages during chat dialogue, image, etc.)  for educational purposes.
  • Participants who allow us to publicly post their participation during a Saturday discussion session will enable us to share important information with others locally, nationally and internationally. The beauty of open educational resources (OER) is that a wider audience is able to benefit from the contributions of individuals like those in our PLN.
  • For our PLN OER Licensing and Sharing Info, please refer to Creative Commons
  • Participants who prefer not to have their participation recorded, will be edited out of the final cut of the session recording.



  • I want to make my Saturday chats accessible to as many people as possible, and if a registrant needs additional resources or services to participate, please include a quick note at the time of registration and also e-mail  or  to request assistance.
  • Transcripts (in English) will be provided after each session.


Questions? Contact  or


What am I bringing to the (discussion) table?

Highlights of my professional career over the years 2000 – 2014 (most recent listed first)
—currently creating interactive e-book for intermediate-level language course
—currently working with a team of exam writers and technology specialists to create online examinations for online language courses
–currently developing professional development and training website for blended and online language educators
–currently collaborating with multiple units across OSU to promote the adoption of a customizable, robust scheduling system to use primarily at learning / tutoring centers on campus, but also for blended and distance courses and programs
—currently participating in OSU’s Exploring Learning Technologies (ELT) Community
—currently participating in OSU’s Humanities Institute Future of the University working group meetings and events
–actively participating on ACTFL’s Distance Learning Special Interest Group Discussion Board
–actively participating in Quality Matters Events and Certification Courses
—collaborated with the team working on the 2012 OSU’s OCIO Learning Technology Departmental Impact Grant Project to develop a blended / mostly online GE language course (was one of the lead constituents)
—developed, taught, and directed blended and online language courses (individualized instruction program)
–redesigned an OSU Spanish intermediate-level course, which was the example course for all participants & peer-reviewed, during the Autumn 2009 webinar series “Making the Shift: From Classroom to Online Course Design” by Patricia McGee & Veronica Díaz using Quality Matters Rubric Standards
—recorded, edited and transcribed screencast orientation videos for individualized instruction program
—collaborated with instructors and technology specialists to design student orientation website and activities for blended language courses
—taught one-hour-a-week Spanish language lessons to kindergarten students (outreach)
—redesigned & taught technology-intensive language course & co-authored course materials
—co-taught and graded distance learning language courses for Ohio State students in Ecuador Study Abroad program
—taught and developed distance learning intermediate language course between college and high school students in Columbus, Ohio area
—redesigned and taught one-day-a-week / 5 hr Saturday language classes (community college courses)
—collaborated with language textbook authors to provide extra instructional resources online via website and cloud sharing tools
—freelancer: videographer and basic editor of videos to accompany an intermediate-level language textbook
—freelancer: co-authored an interactive CD-ROM to accompany a beginning-level language textbook
—taught an advanced composition course; implemented process writing and peer editing activities
—tutored a family: Spanish lessons for a year (members were 7-yr-old, 40-yr-old, 70-yr-old)
—designed a language lab project for each student to create an autobiographical webpage (beginning-level language course)
—videotaped in-class conversations and used digital video editing software to provide individualized student feedback
During the Saturday discussions, I can share the lessons I’ve learned, and talk about the best practices I’ve adopted.
I look forward to our discussions. -Christine Miller, Director of Spanish & Portuguese Individualized Instruction Programs, The Ohio State University
last update 07May2014

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