IA Blog Post 2 Second Semester Sophomore Year

Second Event For the Semester:  For this month in International Affairs Scholars, I attended an event called “Vladimir Putin in Comparative Perspective”. Given the current events that are going on today, I thought that this event would be relevant and interesting for me to attend.  This session was ran by Professor Timothy Frye, and he did a phenomenal job at going over the things that make a leader like Vladimir Putin so interesting to learn about.  In my twenty years of life, I can see why people are so infatuated by the meme that has become Vladimir Putin’s life.  I have always heard about Putin, whether it is stuff he has done in his home country, or the collusion with Trump in the 2016 election.  Overall, I thought this event was very interesting to listen to, and I thought that it was brilliantly timed in the calendar for someone like me to go to. Obviously I have heard about the stuff going on in Ukraine, but I do not go as in depth on the research for these topics as other people do.  That is usually why I am so interested in what these scholars have to say because they have an exponentially better understanding of these topics than I do.

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