Q. I can no longer make it to my session. What should I do?

A. If you cannot make it to your session, you must cancel at least 48 business day hours before your scheduled session. Please contact a member of our research team immediately to cancel your session.

Q. What should I wear to my session?

A. It is strongly suggested that you wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes when you come in for your MRI session. However, please keep in mind that NO metal can be worn in the scanner. This includes: bobby pins, belts, hair clips, jewelry/piercings, zippers, etc. For this reason, girls should wear bras (i.e., sports bras) that do not contain underwire or metal parts. *Note: Avoid wearing yoga pants to your session, as some have been problematic in the fMRI scanner due to the materials used to make them.

Q. I have piercings, wig or hair extensions, or magnetic eyelashes. When should I remove these?

A. If you have piercings, you will not be permitted to wear them in the MRI scanner. You must remove all piercings prior to coming in for your MRI session. If you have a new piercing and are afraid it will close up, we have temporary plastic retainers available for use. Plastic jewelry is MRI safe. Please remove any metal clips in your hair as well or eyelashes that may contain metal.

Q. I wear glasses. Can these be worn in the scanner?

A. For your safety, regular glasses may not be worn in the scanner. If you have the option of wearing contacts, this is better. If you can’t see the screen without your glasses, we will fit you with a special ‘MRI Safe’ pair of glasses. To assist us with this, it is helpful if you can bring a copy of your eyeglass prescription with you to your session.

Q. Will I need to sign any paperwork at my session?

A. Yes. Both the adolescent and the caregiver will have to sign various forms at the start of the session (please see ‘FORMS’ tab of this website for more details). Adolescents will be responsible for filling out the ‘MRI screening form for the child’ and their consent form. Caregivers will be responsible for filling out the ‘visitor screening form for the caregiver’ and their assent form. For these forms, you will need to have your primary care physician’s information on hand.

Q. Do I need a primary care physician to participate?

A. Yes. It is required that you have a primary care physician in order to participate in this study. In the event the neuroradiologist detects an abnormality, the Center staff will forward their findings to your primary care physician within one month of scan. You and your primary care physician will review information that the neuroradiologist has found that could be potentially significant.

Q. What if I have an emergency while in the scanner?

A. If you have an emergency while you are in the scanner (i.e., you are not feeling well), you may utilize the emergency squeeze ball we will give you. This will alert the researchers in the control room and we will take you out of the scanner immediately. The researcher in the control room will also be able to speak with you over the intercom in between MRI tasks.