Webinar Opportunity for Military Families – “Supporting Military Families in the Artificial Intelligence Era”

OneOp is an organization dedicated to providing professional development for military family service providers. This month, OneOp is offering a webinar titled “Supporting Military Families in the Artificial Intelligence Era”


Date: February 20

Time: 11:00am-12:30pm

Registration: https://oneop.org/learn/160020/


Webinar description: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide valuable assistance to family service providers in various ways, enhancing their ability to offer support and improve outcomes for their clients. Explore AI as a tool for family service providers to increase efficiencies, creativity and engagement in their work with military families. While AI can offer opportunities for family service providers, it should be deployed thoughtfully in order to enhance the relational aspects of service delivery and with workplace policies in mind. In an evolving artificial intelligence landscape, it is essential for family service providers to consider the social impacts for military families including employment and workforce changes, fraud/scams, privacy concerns, and AI bias/discrimination.”


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the various ways that service providers may already be experiencing artificial intelligence 
  • Identify professional uses of artificial intelligence for service providers and adult educators
  • Explore the social impacts of AI for families and service providers



Dr. Barbara O’Neill

Dr. Barbara O’Neill, CFP®, AFC writes, speaks, and reviews content about personal finance. A Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University, after 41 years of service as a Rutgers Cooperative Extension educator and personal finance specialist, she has written over 190 articles for academic publications and received over 35 national awards and over $1.2 million in grants to support her financial education programs and research. Dr. O’Neill is a past President of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE), a recipient of the AFCPE Distinguished Fellow Award, and a Next Gen Personal Finance fellow.


Bob Bertsch

Bob Bertsch has worked for more than 20 years in communications, education, and web technology, and has found a passion for building human networks, especially those focused on collective action. He seeks and shares insights on weaving collaborative networks and on developing a culture of innovation through his work with the North Dakota State University Extension and OneOp.


For more information about this webinar, visit: https://oneop.org/learn/160020/ 

Webinars for Professionals working with Military Connected Students

OneOP (formerly Military Family Learning Network) is offering four webinars for professionals who work with military connected students:

Identifying Key Collaborators for School Services for Military-Connected Students

Improving Military Student Outcomes Through Effective Professional Collaboration

Conflict Happens:  Anticipating and Overcoming Challenges

Collaborations During Changes and Transitions for Military Students

Continue reading Webinars for Professionals working with Military Connected Students