OMK Spotlights – Samantha Hunt

Samantha is an OMK camp counselor and a member of the Ohio Military Teen Council.

When asked about Ohio Military Kids’ impact, Samantha says:
“Ohio Military Kids has changed my life for the better. When I was younger, I started as a
camper and transitioned into being a counselor. This camp has given me a lifelong best friend,
memories to last a lifetime, and skills I use on a day to day basis. Without this program, I would
not be who I am today. I love coming back each year and working with the kids to be able to see
their smiles and how much they love it. OMK is an organization I am proud to be a part of.”

Thank you Samantha for participating in our OMK Spotlight!

OMK Spotlights – Ava Worcester

Ava has been a member of the Ohio Military Teen Council for the last 4 years and has served as a camp counselor for the last 2 years (soon to be 3).

When asked about Ohio Military Kids’ impact, Ava says:
“Going to OMK camps as a child, I was immersed into a community of people who were just like me! It was fantastic because, despite being so close to the base my father serves at, I didn’t know a single other military kid. I fell in love with the different programs OMK has to offer and how they made me feel seen and supported. That simple fact made the decision to give back to the community a brainless decision.”

Thank you Ava for participating in our OMK Spotlight! If you would like to participate, please fill out this form: