5 Mental Health Resources for Military Families – Suicide Prevention Month

Content Warning: Mention of mental health and suicide


September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and more specifically National Suicide Prevention Week is September 10, 2023-September 16, 2023. This month is dedicated to raising suicide awareness and bringing together those who have been impacted by suicide.

According to the US Department of Defense, the suicide rate among active duty military troops in 2021 was 24.3 per 100,000. The DOD reports that there has been an increasing trend in suicide among active duty troops since 2011, with the exception of a decrease between 2020 and 2021. Even more, the DOD reports that in 2020, 202 military dependents died by suicide.

The DOD recognizes that suicide is a tragedy that changes families forever, which is why the DOD is taking diligent efforts to commit to suicide prevention in the military. In 2022, the DOD hired 2,000 prevention personnel, stationed across the world. 

Beyond DOD efforts, the resources for military troops and their families are abundant and accessible. In times of mental health crises, get help right away. The following are mental health/suicide prevention resources and support for individuals in times of need.


Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

“TAPS is the national nonprofit organization providing compassionate care and comprehensive resources for all those grieving the death of a military or veteran loved one.”



DOD’s Military OneSource

“Military OneSource from the Department of Defense is your 24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help. When MilLife happens, it’s your “first line of support” — giving service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive.”



Red Cross’ Military and Veterans Caregiver Network

“The Military and Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN) offers peer-based support and services to connect those providing care to service members and veterans living with wounds, illnesses, injuries and/or aging.”



Veteran Suicide Prevention

“If you’re a Veteran in a mental health crisis and you’re thinking about hurting yourself—or you know a Veteran who’s considering this—get help right away. You’re not alone.”



Military and Suicide Prevention-American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

“AFSP is committed to protecting those who protect us and believes that Veteran and military suicide prevention must continue to be a national priority.”




“Active Duty Suicide Rate Drops; Austin Says More Work Needed.” U.S. Department of Defense, www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3195429/active-duty-suicide-rate-drops-austin-says-more-work-needed/#:~:text=Fewer%20service%20members%20died%20by,said%20at%20a%20media%20briefing. Accessed 14 Sept. 2023. 

“Veteran and Military Suicide Prevention Resources.” Action Alliance, theactionalliance.org/veteran-and-military-suicide-prevention-resources. Accessed 14 Sept. 2023.

10 Scholarships For Military Kids

College applications, scholarship submissions, and senioritis. All three are things that come along with changing leaves and the cool, fall weather. This timeless tradition is no different for military families. With that in mind, there are millions of dollars in scholarships allocated for military kids each year. This post details 10 scholarships exclusively for military kids that will help you prepare for the upcoming application season.

How can military kids take advantage of these funds? Apply! 


American Legion Legacy Scholarship

The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship provides college funding to children of post-9/11 veterans who died on active duty, or those who have a combined VA disability rating of 50 percent or greater.”

  • Application Timeline: January 1-April 1 2024


AMVETS Children/Grandchildren Scholarships

“This application is specific to graduating high school seniors (child or grandchild) of an Honorably Served Veterans, Active Duty and Guard/Reserves.”

  • Application Timeline: January 15 – April 30 2024


Fischer House Scholarships for Military Children

“The Scholarships for Military Children program is open to unmarried military dependent children under the age 23 who possess a valid Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card. In addition, a student’s parent(s)/sponsor(s) must be one of the following: active duty, reserve/guard, deceased, or retired from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Space Force.”

  • Application Timeline: Opens mid-December 2023


Army Scholarship Foundation

“Applicants must: Be sons or daughters of regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing, OR Be spouses of serving enlisted regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing, OR Be sons or daughters of former U.S. Army members who received an honorable discharge or medical discharge, or who were killed while serving in the U.S. Army. Be high school seniors, high school graduates, or registered as undergraduate students at an accredited college or post high school vocational/technical institution.”

  • Application timeline: January 15-April 15 2024


Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships:

“Support for education is a cornerstone of our commitment to the men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard and their families. Our scholarships are one of the ways we thank our brave men and women for their steadfast service to our nation, while also ensuring their family members can afford to reach their higher education dreams.”


Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

“The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation was established to honor the service and sacrifice of Marines and their families. That’s why we are grateful for your tax-deductible donations. As our Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children, the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation helps cover the cost of attending post-high school, undergraduate, and career and technical education programs. Every gift has a significant life-changing impact. With your support, we can make sure that no Marine family is left behind.”


The Folds of Honor Higher Education Scholarship

“We ensure that families who’ve sacrificed so much for our country and communities receive the education and opportunities they deserve. Whether it’s K-12th grade or higher education, we believe the cost of pursuing their academic dreams should not be an additional burden.”


Navy League of The United States Scholarships

“College should never be out of reach for a family member of the sea services. The Navy League Foundation guarantees this support by awarding scholarships to high school seniors who will attend college in the fall. Navy League Foundation scholarships are available to children and grandchildren of veterans or active duty sea service men and women, as well as members of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps.”


Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship

“It is important to acknowledge the sacrifices of our service members who preserve our freedom, but that is not enough. The sacrifices of the children of those who served should also be honored. Providing funds to assist these children so they can pursue higher education is a concrete way of showing how much we, as a nation, care.

The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship to support the children of our warriors. These scholarships are awarded to 15 students annually who excel in academics and volunteer in their communities.”


Wings Over America Scholarships

“Wings Over America Scholarship Foundation annually sponsors 50 scholarships to further the post secondary education of Navy dependents from the aviation community. Most scholarships are $5,000 and some are renewable.

Scholarships may be used for trade school certification, community college or four-year university/college undergraduate study and cover tuition only at an accredited institution.

If an applicant’s tuition is fully covered by other scholarships from their institution, ROTC, or Post 9/11 Bill/Yellow Ribbon benefits, they are ineligible to receive a scholarship. Students attending service academies are also ineligible.”

  • Application timeline: Opens October 1, 2023


Those are just 10 of the abundant selection of scholarships for military kids and dependents. Here are a few resources for students as the college application season progresses:

Busting the Myths About Scholarships – Military.com


Scholarships for Military Dependents and Families




Mullinix, Heather. “Scholarships for Military Dependents and Families: BestColleges.” BestColleges.Com, 17 Jan. 2023, www.bestcolleges.com/resources/military-dependents-scholarships/.

Embracing Pride: Support and Resources for LGBTQ+ Military Youth and Families

June is a month of celebration, pride, and inclusivity as we honor Pride Month. At OMK we stand with and support our LGBTQ+ military youth and families. In this post we will highlight the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in the military and provide resources available for LGBTQ+ youth in Ohio.

Pride in the Military:

LGBTQ+ people have existed throughout history, including Ancient Greece and two-spirit people in Native American cultures. LGBTQ+ people are present in all parts of society – they are people we know and love, and even people who serve in our military.

In the United States less than 1% of citizens volunteer to serve in the armed forces, and 6.1% of military personal identify as LGBTQ+ according to research conducted in 2015 by Meadows, et. al.

LGBTQ+ individuals have been part of the military since its formation, with Lieutenant Colonel John Lauren being one of the earliest recorded in the Revolutionary War. Since then, many more LGBTQ+ individuals have served our country.

Despite their bravery, the stories of these individuals are often unknown or overshadowed due to the military’s history of anti-LGBTQ+ policies (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Transgender Military Ban) which led to the less-than-honorable discharges of an estimated more than 100,000 service members due to sexual orientation or gender identity (The Williams Institute, 2010).

Recent years have brought policy advancements for our LGBTQ+ service members; but there is more to be done to achieve military inclusivity.

Resources for LGBTQ+ Military Youth & Families in Ohio:

  • Community Centers:
    • The LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland, Equitas Health, and Stonewall Columbus provide a wide range of support and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals, including youth. These centers often offer counseling services, support groups, educational programs, and social events to create safe and inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ youth to connect, learn, and thrive.
    • Equitas Health along with PAPI work to offer PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), which prevents HIV, and STD testing free of cost to all Ohio residents with or without insurance.
  • Counseling Services and Safe Spaces:
    • Organizations like the Trevor Project provide mental health support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention services specifically tailored to LGBTQ+ youth. They offer online chat and phone hotlines to provide immediate support and guidance.
    • Many insurance websites can assist in your search for counseling for LGBTQ+ individuals. OSU’s provider search can be found here.

Support for LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Military:

  • Modern Military Association of America offers legal services, advocacy, and community support to address issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the military.
  • Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Offices throughout Ohio are responsible for ensuring equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion within the military. They provide support, guidance, and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals who may face discrimination or harassment.

Social Opportunities and Connection:

  • Black, Out, & Proud serves as a resource for Black LGBTQ+ people.
  • Rainbow Sisters meets the first Wednesday of every month for social events and outreach programs for lesbian women over the age of 40.
  • The Kaleidoscope Youth Center in downtown Columbus offers social events, a discord server, drop-in hours, movie nights, D&D groups, and more for LGBTQ+ youth.
  • The Prim Youth Initiative in Dayton plans and hosts events for LGBTQ+ youth. They also offer support groups and a library.
  • PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) has chapters across Ohio that offer support and social groups for LGBTQ+ youth and their families.


Meadows, S. O., Engel, C. C., Collins, R. L., Beckman, R. L., Cefalu, M., Hawes-Dawson, J., Waymouth, M., Kress, A. M., Sontag-Padilla, L., Ramchand, R., & Williams, K. M. (2015). Health Related Behaviors Survey: Sexual Orientation, Transgender Identity, and Health Among U.S. Active-Duty Service Members. RAND Corporation, RB-9955/6-OSD, 2018. As of May 26, 2023: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB9955z6.html

The Williams Institute (2010). Discharges under the Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell policy. Retrieved from: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Discharges-DADT-Women-Race-Sep-2010.pdf

Military Youth Magazine – Submission Guidelines and Overview

OMK is proud to announce our plans to publish a magazine written entirely by military-connected youth of Ohio and edited by members of our Ohio Military Teen Council.

Submissions will open on Friday, June 16th at 12:00am and will close on Wednesday, July 5th at 11:59pm.

Qualtrics submission link.

We encourage our military youth to brainstorm ideas for submissions and potential names for the magazine.

🟢 Themes & Content:

Written submissions:

  • In Relation to Military Life
    • Personal stories
    • Experiences
    • Reflections
    • Insights
    • Challenges
    • Resilience
    • Personal Growth
    • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Health
    • Mental Health
    • Physical Health
    • Self Help
  • Advice & Resources
  • The Impact of Camp

Illustrations, photos, comics, and other artwork:

  • Reflect the life or experiences of military-connected youth & families.
  • Demonstrate resilience
  • Show healthy habits
  • Bring joy

🔵 Submission Guidelines:

General Guidelines:

  • Age Eligibility: Submissions are open to military-connected youth and young adults.
  • Original Work: All submissions must be original.
  • Proofreading: Double-check your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before submitting.
  • Multiple Submissions: You may submit multiple pieces across different categories (articles, photography, illustrations, and poetry). Please complete the submission survey once for each piece.
  • Submission Format: Submit all entries electronically in the appropriate file format (Word document, JPEG/PNG for images, and PNG/vector for illustrations).

📝 Articles, Personal Essays, Reflections, and Short Stories:

  • Length: Approximately 200 – 2,500 words.
  • Formatting: Break up text with headings as needed.
  • Accompanying Photos: Original photos may be submitted to accompany your writing. Follow Photos guidelines below.
  • Submission: Upload as a Microsoft Word document.

🎤 Poetry:

  • Length: Poem length can vary, but we recommend between 10 and 30 lines.
  • Submission: Upload as a Microsoft Word document.

🎨 Illustrations/Artwork:

  • Consent: If the artwork(s) contain recognizable individuals, make sure you obtain written consent for that photo to be published and shared publicly.
  • Submission: Submit digital files as PNG or in vector formats (.AI, .SVG).

🖌️ Comics / Graphic Novels:

  • Submission: Submit digital files as .JPEG, .PNG, or .PDF.

📸 Photos:

  • Consent: If the photo(s) contain recognizable individuals, make sure you obtain written consent for that photo to be published and shared publicly.
  • Submission: Submit photos as .JPEG or .PNG files.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and showcasing the talent, stories, and perspectives of military youth!

Marching Towards Success: National and Local Resources for Military Families

Ohio Military Kids believes in helping our military youth to grow & succeed by providing them with any available resources. We know that military life can be challenging, and that is why we are committed to supporting the families and youth of those who have served our country. In this post, we’ll highlight three programs that are working to support military families: The National Military Family Association, Purdue University’s Military Teen Adventure Camps, and the six Troop and Family Assistance Centers throughout the state.


Continue reading Marching Towards Success: National and Local Resources for Military Families

OMK’s Declassified Back to School Survival Guide

Ohio Suicide Prevention Campaign – Be Present

A resource for parents, teens, and young adults who want to learn more about supporting their peers. Be Present hosts a wealth of information for parents and students about establishing healthy routines, taking care of yourself, and having difficult conversations with people you care about. Youth who are struggling can also find support on this site, or by texting ‘4HOPE’ to 741-741


Developing a Growth Mindset – Learning Heroes

Developing and practicing a Growth Mindset sets us up to succeed! Try out this interactive website – bealearninghero.org/growth-mindset/ – to learn more about developing and using a growth mindset.

Healthy Living – Start Talking!

Across Ohio organizations are working to prevent drug use among some of our most vulnerable citizens – our youth. Start Talking! provides tools to start the conversation with our youth about the importance of living healthy, drug free lives. https://starttalking.ohio.gov/

Developing Financial Literacy – Money as You Grow

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a great set of tips and resources to help children develop important money management skills. The resources on this site are divided by age ranges from young children to teens & young adults. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/money-as-you-grow/

Transition – From Elementary to Middle School

Is your young one preparing to take the huge step from elementary to middle school? Consider these tips from OSU:


Games and Apps – Educaplay and Photomath

This year, check out interactive games on Educaplay for content on subjects from Math, to English, to the Rivers of Europe. Educaplay.com

Could you or your student use assistance with math homework? Photomath was created by a father to help their children with math homework. Caregivers can review the step-by-step directions provided by the app with their children to solve almost any math problem! https://photomath.com/en/parents

Paid Research Opportunity for Military Teens

Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors at Florida Atlantic University is looking for military teens to participate in a study consisting of three online 30-minute surveys over the course of 9 months.

Their study is titled “Pet Dogs, Resilience, and Well-being in Military Adolescents.” The project hopes to use the viewpoints of military teens to study the relationship between resilience and well-being for military teenagers who do or do not own a pet dog.

A $20 gift card is provided after the completion of each survey, for a total of $60 after completing all three surveys.

Qualifications to participate are:

  • Be 12-18 years old
  • Have a parent or guardian provide parental permission to participate
  • Either own a pet dog or not
  • Have a parent or guardian in active duty or a Veteran parent/guardian
  • Have access to a tablet, computer, or smartphone with Wifi.


Stay tuned to our Facebook and blog where we will publish the link to the study when it becomes available.
For more information about this study, contact cpaww@health.fau.edu.