Winter Activity Books – Order by 2/10

Ohio winters can be chilly, but they don’t have to be boring!

Between now and June OMK will be offering four opportunities to order activity books for your family, and they are completely free.

To kick us off, we are offering 7 books that will give your family activities to complete while staying indoors.

This month’s texts are:

  • Exploring Polar Science
  • Get Started in Art
  • Grow Your Own Vegetables
  • Let’s Bake Quick Breads
  • Not Just Knots
  • Shopping Savvy
  • Your Feelings Matter


You can order activity books for your family by using this link:

Orders should be placed by 2/10 and are expected to ship by 3/10.

Webinars for Professionals working with Military Connected Students

OneOP (formerly Military Family Learning Network) is offering four webinars for professionals who work with military connected students:

Identifying Key Collaborators for School Services for Military-Connected Students

Improving Military Student Outcomes Through Effective Professional Collaboration

Conflict Happens:  Anticipating and Overcoming Challenges

Collaborations During Changes and Transitions for Military Students

Continue reading Webinars for Professionals working with Military Connected Students

Paid Research Opportunity for Military Teens

Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors at Florida Atlantic University is looking for military teens to participate in a study consisting of three online 30-minute surveys over the course of 9 months.

Their study is titled “Pet Dogs, Resilience, and Well-being in Military Adolescents.” The project hopes to use the viewpoints of military teens to study the relationship between resilience and well-being for military teenagers who do or do not own a pet dog.

A $20 gift card is provided after the completion of each survey, for a total of $60 after completing all three surveys.

Qualifications to participate are:

  • Be 12-18 years old
  • Have a parent or guardian provide parental permission to participate
  • Either own a pet dog or not
  • Have a parent or guardian in active duty or a Veteran parent/guardian
  • Have access to a tablet, computer, or smartphone with Wifi.


Stay tuned to our Facebook and blog where we will publish the link to the study when it becomes available.
For more information about this study, contact