Winter Weather Driving

Being prepared for cold weather:

Keep a cache of winter gear in your car. Consider including:

  • An extra coat
  • Blankets
  • Food & Water
  • Medications
  • A shovel
  • Cat litter or sand

Check tire inflation and tread levels.


Driving in the snow/ice:

Stay home if possible. Even if you consider yourself to be a skilled driver, the more people on the road the more possibilities there are for an accident.

  • Avoid using cruise control when driving on ice or snow.
  • Build inertia before going uphill instead of powering up the hill.
  • Drive slowly & increase your following distance, especially at higher speeds.
  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly.


If you get stuck in snow:

  • Stay with your vehicle, it will be a temporary shelter and make it easier for you to be found.
  • Clear snow from in front of, behind, and next to your tires and tailpipe.
  • Place cat litter, sand, salt, or car/carpet mats in front of and behind your tires.
  • Utilize your lowest gear and AWD/4WD if available.


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