
A zine or fanzine is a non-professional and non-official publication made by anyone to share content about a topic they are interested in. Basically, a small magazine made by a fanatic of the topic. Fanzines are usually made of folded or stapled photocopies. Fanzines are an easy, fun, and creative way of sharing your ideas!

Since we love math and we want everybody to love math, we of course want to produce zines about math, math-zines!

The easiest way to make a zine is by folding an 8.5×11 sheet in eights. That way you get an 8-pages booklet, you have 8 pages to share your ideas. Here’s a video on how to fold it:

Here’s a math-zine we made. Click on the image to download it. Print it, fold it, read it, and have fun with it!

Already thinking about what you want to talk about in your first math-zine? Great! Grab a sheet of paper, fold it and start creating!

Make sure to share your math zine with us for the #mathzinechallenge. #MarchMathness


This post was contributed by Buckeye Aha! Math Moments, the outreach program from OSU’s Department of Mathematics. Check out their website for more fun math activities.