507 Robotics 1 with EV3

EV3 Book


Use the newest LEGO® technology to learn about what a robot is, how to build one, and how to program it. Activities are based on the EV3 Core Set available from LEGO® Education. (Careful, other EV3 kits may not be the same! See below for details.) This is the first in a series of two books.

A few resources are needed:

  • Project book 507 Robotics 1 with EV3 is available in Ohio State University Extension county offices, through Media Distribution’s eStore, and in the National 4-H Mall. Ohio residents get the best price when they order and pick up their purchases through local Extension offices. Sample pages and ratings are available on Project Central.
  • Activities are based on a customized kit from LEGO® Education that sells for aproximately $400 plus shipping. See purchasing information below. (This same kit will be used for next year’s project, 508 Robotics 2: EV3N More.)
  • Youth need access to a computer and high speed internet. Files and videos that support the activities are available.