Sophomore Year

One of the many meaningful experiences I have had during my sophomore year at Ohio State was going on a tour of a research lab. Because such precise experiments are being performed, it is not possible to just walk into any research lab you want. However, through GES, we were given a quasi hands-on tour of a research lab and got to learn more in depth about the kind of research they were doing. This experience reaffirmed my belief that I wanted to do research in a lab at some point in my undergraduate career.

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Another meaningful experience I had during my sophomore year at Ohio State was volunteering at the Science Olympiad State competition. As a kid, I had ever been in Science Olympiad but it seemed like an interesting event so I decided to volunteer. It was very moving to see how passionate the kids were who were participating in the tournament. Many of the contraptions that they created blew me away as well.

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Freshman Year

One incredibly meaningful experience I had during my first year at Ohio State was the unveiling of the amount of money raised at the end of Buckeyethon. I had never participated in a dance marathon before, let alone one that was the size of Buckeyethon — I was blown away by the energy and positivity of the whole experience. At the end of the night, I got chills when they unveiled how much money had been raised. Seeing the reactions of the kids and their parents was one of the most moving experiences of my entire life.

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Another meaningful experience I had at Ohio State during my freshman year was going to my first Ohio State football game ever. I had never been to any kind of professional football game at any level, neither college nor professional, and I rarely went to any sporting events of similar size. When I stepped into the stadium and heard all the screams and felt the stands moving underneath me, I was taken over by pride for my school and felt a burst of adrenaline that I had rarely felt before.

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