The Ohio State University

The Office of Ombuds Services

On Feb. 1, Dr. Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza began the newly created role of graduate and professional student (GPS) ombudsperson. This is an independent, confidential*, neutral, and informal resource for all graduate and professional students at Ohio State to support them in…

Job # 150032
Naima Hashi works on Neuroscience research for Denman - Neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury
Photo by Jo McCulty
The Ohio State University

Career Building Strategies and Skill Development

Ohio State University has many resources across the various colleges and departments for graduate students to access, to work toward becoming career ready, beyond the skills and knowledge they gain in their graduate degree programs. Graduate students should talk with their…

NIH - NMA Fellows Program: Academic Career Development Workshop

NIH – NMA Fellows Program: Academic Career Development Workshop

Residents, fellows, postdoctoral scientists, and early stage investigators interested in academic medicine are encouraged to apply.  Application deadline is May 28, 2021.   Program Highlights ·     Diversity in Research and Academia ·     NIH Funding Mechanisms and Opportunities ·     NIH Grant Application: General Overview ·     Academic Career…

Stanford Postdoctoral Recruitment Initiative in Science and Medicine (PRISM)

Stanford Postdoctoral Recruitment Initiative in Science and Medicine (PRISM)

More Information: Stanford PRISM is an opportunity for late-stage graduate students from broadly diverse backgrounds to explore postdoctoral training at Stanford. Benefits: Discuss shared research interests with faculty Get the inside scoop on postdoctoral training from current postdocs Learn…

Faculty Highlights - Spring 2021

Faculty Highlights – Spring 2021

Ajit Chaudhari, PhD, FACSM The Annual Graduate & Professional Student Convocation welcomes esteemed scholar Dr. Ajit Chaudhari, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy, Orthopedics, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, to serve as keynote speaker. Dr. Chaudhari received all of his degrees, including his…

Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program: Inclusive training for outstanding postdoctoral scholars focused on academic careers

Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program: Inclusive training for outstanding postdoctoral scholars focused on academic careers

Stanford School of Medicine’s newly formed Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program seeks to: 1) attract and train talented postdocs who would bring diversity (broadly defined) to both their training program and to the professoriate in the life sciences, including from backgrounds or perspectives…

The Black Entertainment Executives Pipeline

The Black Entertainment Executives Pipeline

According to the 2020 UCLA Hollywood Diversity Report, 92% of CEOs of television studios are white. Similarly, 87% of unit heads are white and 84% of senior executives are white. The goal of the Black Entertainment Executives Pipeline program is…

The Ohio State University Foundation Board

The Ohio State University Foundation Board

The Ohio State University Foundation Board is soliciting applications from current graduate and professional students who are interested in serving as a Student Delegate on the Foundation Board. Questions can be directed to Ms. Colleen Lowry (,  Director of the…

Southern Education Leadership Initiative

Southern Education Leadership Initiative

SELI is an intensive, eight-week, paid summer fellowship for undergraduate and graduate students interested in advancing racial equity and improving education across the pre-kindergarten to college continuum. Placed in nonprofits, school districts, or state education agencies in the South, SELI…

EmPOWERment NSF Research Traineeship Program Fellowship Opportunities

EmPOWERment NSF Research Traineeship Program Fellowship Opportunities

EmPOWERment is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year from current and prospective PhD students to The Ohio State University with an interest in sustainable energy. Prospective and first-year PhD students who are accepted into EmPOWERment also will be considered…