Day 6: Mindful Moments

As part of the study abroad clinical immersion for Community Health we are attending sessions with key informants along with the LDUC Urban Health students.  We are collaborating internationally with Norwegian students through a group project to assess health concerns, resources and recommendation for support and care to marginalized populations in Norway. Community topics include homelessness, cognitive decline in the aging, and gender health disparities within the prison population. In this collaboration with international students, we can challenge current clinical practice and broaden our perspectives – this partnership practice directly relates to the Sustainable Development Goal #17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. A collaborative alliance between two incredible universities meets target 17.6, in that multi-stakeholder partnerships mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology, and resources to support the SDG’s in all countries. Hopefully cooperation on this scale could influence the indicators for meeting this target by a growing number of countries progressing toward frameworks that support these Sustainable Development Goals as suggested in 17.16.1. Additionally, such projects create the framework for changes in health policy. Promoting and enforcing non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development (Target 16.b) is critical to the Sustainable Development Goal #16. As future nurses, we are  uniquely dedicated to a future of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Reflecting on this opportunity during the program was meaningful, as caring for those outside of our personal life experiences and placing priority on achieving health equity for all people worldwide is at the heart of nursing. Finally, understanding that to have an impact in global community health at this moment in our nursing career is an undeniable joy.


Norwegian student project partner


The afternoon experience took place at Frogner Park (Norwegian: Frognerparken) with beautiful sunny weather. Much like the Windshield Survey that was completed on Day 1 in Oslo, we observed the largest public park with our international nursing student counterparts. This is a popular destination and we observed a mix of young and old, multicultural families, couples, and friends. Among many leisurely sunbathers, other recreational activities included picnics and various exercise pursuits. This friendly atmosphere almost transcended me back to the Oval on The Ohio State University main campus!

A permanent sculpture installation, created by Gustav Vigeland in the eighteenth century, covers a large expanse of Frogner Park. Featuring more than two-hundred humanized statues which depict engagement in various activities like running, dancing, and hugging – all representing different aspects of life. One of the famous sculptures represents a crying child, which apparently some people aim to comfort by holding the hand; however, other visitors widely imitate. Oslo Municipality purchased this public park, thus establishing the Frogner Stadium and tennis courts on the grounds.

These green spaces reflect Norway’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goal #3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Specifically, target 3.4 (to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by one third, through the prevention, treatment, and promotion of mental health and wellbeing). Having a governmental system that promotes a healthy lifestyle addresses specific indicators such as the following: mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease (3.4.1) and suicide mortality rate (3.4.2). Therefore, year-round access to public greenspaces like this are important for meeting the holistic needs of individuals. After a walk through Frogner Park, it is evident that Norwegians deeply celebrate their culture and health-conscious society. If ever visiting Oslo, make some time for this destination, even for simply appreciating a mindful moment to “stop and smell the roses” since this location hosts the biggest collection in all of Norway.

P.S. Although the roses do not bloom until mid-June, please enjoy the below image of these vibrant tulips in the meantime!


The white granite column called the “Monolith” consists of a series of intertwining human bodies.

The fountain – earliest sculpture unit in the park

“The Wheel of Life” sculpture





Tusen takk!

(Norwegian for “Thank you so much”)


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