
An artifact that is note worthy that is more OSU related is my experience at the Leadership Collaborative over the summer. Leadership Collaborative I originally was not excited for, in the car I was in a bad mood expecting to have a bad time. But I was very wrong. Leadership Collaborative is where I met my lifelong friends. Throughout the week we participated in many leadership training events. One of which being networking with peers. This is where I met one of my best friends Alex, Alex and I discovered we had so much in common and spent the rest of the week. The last night we met even more people that had so much in common with us, and spent the entire night having deep philosophical talks about our lives. We even ended up buying group tickets to multiple concerts for the first month of school. I may have gained many important leadership skills during the week. But I think that the friendships and what I learned about my self the last night through our deep talks was the most important part. These people are still some of my closest friends and I am happy I can say I have already met some of my lifelong friends.