During their regular meeting on February 15, 2022 the Senior Fair Board is expected to vote to NO LONGER make the Fairfield County Junior Fair swine show ractopamine-free. This will supersede any other announcements regarding the use of ractopamine found on this page.
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During their regular January 19, 2021 Board meeting, the Senior Fair Board voted to make the Fairfield County Junior Fair swine show ractopamine-free again in 2021. This means that pigs exhibited at the 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair, including both ‘live’ and MQP pigs, have never been fed or exposed to ractopamine sources from the time of birth to the time of harvest.
In order to assure that pigs exhibited in the Junior Fair shows are ractopamine-free, the Board also requires that an affidavit must be received from each exhibitor’s parent/guardian (or in the case of a youth over 18, they may complete their own) regarding the ractopamine-free status of their swine exhibit(s). This affidavit must be submitted on-line.
For MQP pigs the deadline for submission of the ractopamine-free affidavit is by noon on Friday, September 24, 2021.
For ‘live’ show pigs the deadline for submission of the ractopamine-free affidavit is by noon on Friday, October 8, 2021.
Find the on-line Parent/Legal Guardian Affidavit linked here. Once completed, you will receive an email copy of your affivavit submission.
Junior fair market hogs at the 2021 Fairfield County Fair will be subject to random testing for ractopamine by both the Fairfield County Agriculture Society and the buyer/packer bidder. If a pig tests positive for ractopamine, the Fairfield County Agriculture Society and the buyer/packer bidder reserves the right to determine disciplinary and financial penalties against the exhibitor.
Presently the OPEN class swine show is NOT a ractopamine-free show.
Today, for more about the history of ractopamine and the move to ractopamine-free swine production and exhibitions, visit our What, Why & How; FAQ’s page that can be found linked above. Visit our Facts/Info page for information about managing swine that are ractopamine-free.
You may also contact the Senior Fair Board at 740-653-3041 for more information.