Year 1 in Review

My first year of college has been a roller coaster.  In my first semester I felt like I knew everything I needed, thought that this would be like a big high school.  And I paid the price for it.  I’ve learned from that mistake and now study much more and seek help from others and from campus resources.  In high school I was also a very quiet person.  I didn’t talk much and still really don’t. But in high school it was still easy to make friends because there was close contact with eighty other kids for four years.  Here it’s different.  There are thousands of people and I see and meet new people most days.  I have learned to be somewhat more social in order to meet new people and have joined several groups where I have made many new friends.


My goals, as an OSU Scholars student revolve around academic enrichment and leadership development.

Along the line of academic enrichment, I would like to be accepted into my chosen major, Agricultural Engineering, and obtain a 4-year degree in this program.  I realize that the content of classes for this major, especially the engineering course, can be tough and that I will need to work hard in order to obtain my goals.  I also know, as an OSU student, that there are many resources that are provided to help me.  There are study centers and places I can go to meet other students who are taking the same classes as me.  I can also utilize the office hours of my TAs and instructors.

With leadership development, I hope to gain skills that can help me to become a better leader and how to better handle those roles of leadership that I may be put into.  In high school, I participated in many groups.  One of my favorite was the FFA.  In it, I achieved an officer position and helped to plan events, such as social and fundraising events, for the rest of the chapter.  In the FFA I learned leadership skills and I hope to further expand these skills in college.  One big obstacle for me is that I can be an awkward/unsocial person and don’t often involve myself in conversations or groups and sometimes find it hard to make friends because of this.  I know that there are many different groups and resources that I can utilize to try to help me overcome these problems.  One way is by going to FYE sessions that concern these topics.  I can also join groups to try to become more open and to socialize more.
I know, as a student at the Ohio State University that I can achieve my goals.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]



What I studied in the group presentation was the hydrogen fuel cell.  My group chose this topic because it is a relatively new and interesting technology that can replace traditional fossil fuel use to limit emissions from things like cars and other vehicles.  During my time researching the hydrogen fuel cell I learned many interesting facts about it.  It is a green way to power machines to get rid of harmful emissions that was created during the mid-late 19th century.  The first vehicle to be powered by a hydrogen fuel cell was a Allis-Chalmers tractor, while the first machine to use it was a welding machine.  Hydrogen fuel cells have a high initial cost but pay off later because you don’t need to keep buying more gasoline to power the vehicle.  It is still a long way from being fully brought to life and has obstacles that it it needs to overcome, especially high cost of production.  It will be interesting to see what the future holds for the hydrogen fuel cell.

About Me

My name is Tyler Nicol.  I am a first year Green Engineering Scholar.  I live on a farm in Irwin, Ohio, about 28 miles northwest of Columbus.  From kindergarten through eighth grade, I went to a small Christian school named St. Paul’s Lutheran School.  My graduating eighth grade class had three people, including me and my twin brother.  I then went to high school at Fairbanks High School in Milford Center, Ohio.  My freshman class there had around ninety-five people in it and my graduating class had eighty-two members.  Now I am at Ohio State, where my class has well over 10,000 people!  So it is a big but exciting change for me.  In high school, two of my favorite groups were the National Honor’s Society and FFA.  I had many good times with fellow classmates doing community service.  One of the biggest events I got to experience during my time in high school was the National FFA Convention.  Other members of the FFA and I went to Indiana(freshman year) and Louisville(junior and senior year) for this big event, where tens of thousands of fellow members from all over the country came to explore, have fun, and meet new people.  Now I can have similar experiences In Columbus at OSU, where there are over 50,000 attending students!  I’m excited for my future here at Ohio State.  I plan on getting a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering.