Casa Materna

On May 29th, I got the opportunity to visit my dream job. Well not exactly, but the Casa Materna house was founded in the 90s. To this current day, there’s been over 16,000 women that have been helped through their services. The main idea here is to provide and supply resources for pregnant women before and after their labor. Many women turned to the Casa Materna House in need of a place to stay. While at this program, we learned that many of the women that come through here would be what is considered “high risked” due to being pregnant with twins or having previous C-sections. We discovered that mothers here face more risks when having twins and this is due to the complication of one twin being in the correct position (when it’s time to push ) while the other twin is not. We also discovered that teenagers are at high risk as well due to their bodies not being fully mature. Also, when referring back to high risks due to C-sections, we learned that mothers that have had nearly 8-10 children typically have a much loser uterus. Therefore when it is time to push, their muscles aren’t as strong.


This casa maternal house is a private practice and not a part of government. Casa Materna offers services that are include pre natural care, exercise, etc. It is recommended through the casa house that the mothers come here a week before their due dates. Midwives are also a part of this program and help provide services for the mothers. Women here would rather have a mid-wife than a doctor. We were told that mid wives are more loving, caring, and considerate with the mothers here, compared to doctors. We also learned that all the services here free. This amazing visit has encouraged me to expand my research and knowledge on the rates upon pregnant women in the US who face finical issues when it comes to health care and their babies. This visit has inspired me to open up my own practice that to can provide the services for all pregnant women for free.

Student, Beyla Hood

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