
week 1


Professor and Student Introductions to class.

The release of Claims forms.

Woodshop training. Students schedule with Nate and Andrew. You must be checked off early in the semester.


Logistical issues of creating this form of art.

Challenges and rewards of research-based practice.

Discussion of Final Project design which starts today.

VIDEO inspiration Mona Hatoum discusses and shows her works.

Discussion of research using Google Alert

Introduction to Interactive Electronics for Artists and Inventors introduction and chapter one

Introduction to Arduino and parts.

***Assignment for next week Tuesday.

Scenario: You have just been given a commission by a major museum in Madrid Spain and the curator wants four (4) possible ideas. Come to class prepared with 4 ideas + 4  pencil sketches or more. If you know 3D modeling you can also use that to prepare the sketches, though please start with sketches and research. Use only acid-free sketchbook or paper. No lined paper.

These sketches must be notated about what you are going to achieve. Come prepared with a short written description of your idea. ~~ These must be uploaded to your blog in preparation for the class crit on Tuesday. If you have questions about how to conceptualize and think about making this form of art read and review Chapter 14 in Interactive Electronics Book.

Video Inspiration: Matt Kenyon and Douglas Easterly

Week 2

Critique and presentation and discussion of your ideas for the curator in Madrid Spain. All sketches and links must be posted to your blog for presentation in class today.

Homework due Thursday: Read Chapter 2 + 3 for Thursday in Interactive Electronics for Artists and Inventors

Electronics: Resistors and ohms law lab
Arduino multimeter lessons
The solderless breadboard
Understand electronic diagrams (Artists/engineers brains)
Electronic components


Finish presentations by Students of their proposals to the curator in Madrid Spain.

Art Inspiration: Paula Gaetano Adi  Alexithymia is a term that means the incapacity to verbalize emotions. When some sufferers want to talk but are unable to utter the words, they start sweating to manifest the desire to communicate. AAlexithymiais also the name that Paula Gaetano, an artist from Buenos Aires, gave to her robot. It’s a big blob that feels like rubber when you touch it. But it also sweats when you caress its surface. More info:

Homework read chapters 4, 5 and 6 for next Tuesday Interactive Electronics for Artists and Inventors

Using a multimeter :

test continuity
Measure DC voltage
Measure an AC voltage

Week 3

Art Inspiration: Rafael Lozano Hemmer

Review readings and discuss parts Capacitor, Resistors, Diodes, Microchips


Measure a resistor
Ohms Law to calculate the proper resistance 
Breadboards and building a simple circuit with a battery and LEDs

Arduino UNO. (IDE). Integrated Development Environment
Downloading and flashing an LED on Arduino pin 13 using code
Your first Arduino Sketch blinking an LED  (Light Emitting Diode)


Art Inspiration: Elemental  After Graduating from Physics in the Department of Science at Hokkaido University, In 1993, Sachiko matriculated in the Fine Arts Department at the University of Tsukuba, studying Plastic Art and Mixed Media. Then she completed Master’s and Doctoral Program in Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba. She received a P.H.D. in Art.


Play with code, void setup, void loop, int, pinMode, OUTPUT, digitalWrite, digitalWrite,  HIGH, LOW

HELP technique

Lights and discussion of the solid-state relay SSR to control AC lights and motors

Using an analog output to pulse an LED

Code:  analogWrite

GRADS & Honors students ONLY: The Powers of being able to play with light. Write a short 3/4 page response to this article.

Assignment for next class: Homework Create a series of 6-8 LEDs and flash them in a unique pattern. Make sure not to accidentally have LED or resistor wires touch in the process. Be careful and disconnect power to all before doing your wiring.

Show in class at the beginning of Tuesday. Use the Array under Examples>Control>Array. Post a cell phone video of your chase patterns code and a short video to your blog.

Homework: by Tuesday/Thursday of next week, Refine your drawings and add research such as parts and drawings, either 3D models or better sketches of your chosen idea. Do close up details. What is the materiality of the work? Read chapters 7 & 8 in my book.

Week 4

Art inspiration: Perry Hoberman

Perry Hoberman is a media, installation and performance artist whose work has been presented widely throughout the United States and Europe. Hoberman works with a variety of technologies, ranging from the utterly obsolete to the seasonably state-of-the-art. Currently, Hoberman is an Associate Research Professor in the Interactive Media Division at the University of Southern California School of Cinema-Television, where he heads S3D@USC, the Center for Stereoscopic 3D at the USC School for Cinematic Arts.


Controlling an RGB LED with 3 analog outputs from your Arduino
Using a multimeter to check a switch
NO/NC Switches DP/DT switches
Switch Varieties, mercury, a hand switch, limit switch, passive infrared, active infrared, 1 bit, analog, magnetic, relay.
Using a switching input to trigger output on your Arduino
Using a switching input to trigger multiple outputs on your Arduino
Code:  const int, digitalRead, digitalWrite, If, Else commands
Using a switch to trigger many outputs on your Arduino

Individual meetings with the professor to discuss your projects. Have your blog and better sketches ready to go.


Art Inspiration: Joshua Kirsch – Concentricity, Interactive Light Sculpture


Art Inspiration: Jenny Holzer

more Jenny Holzer

Analog pins A0-A5 on the Arduino
Demo of LCD readout

Code:  const int, analogRead, analogWrite
Using a potentiometer so variable resistance can control a digital our analog output on your Arduino
Potentiometer (Variable Resistor)


Individual meetings with the professor to discuss your projects. Have your blog and better sketches ready to go.

Homework Read chapter 10 on Servomotors

Week 5
Tuesday, Sept 18

Daniel Rozin Interactive art with wooden mirrors – The wooden mirror
Other works by Daniel Rozin


Servo motors and motion control.

Pull string mechanics and puppetry

Continuous Rotation Servos vs – 180-degree rotation servos.

Power and 49 oz-in. Explain!

Adding libraries; Library manager
A variety of Servo libraries

Using a servo motor to control motion

How expensive.
How powerful.
How loud.

How long-lasting?

Want to control more than just one? how about a servo control board 

Where to buy

Pursue lessons on Servo motor chapter in the book with servo motor supplied by the class kit.

Last day: Individual meetings with the professor to discuss your projects. Have your blog and better sketches ready to go.


Art Inspiration: Jordan Wolfson –

Jordan Wolfson is an American artist living and working in New York City and Los Angeles. His art is known for addressing social commentary, violence, and entertainment, using video and film, sculptural installation and virtual reality.

DC gearhead motor control with an Arduino one way with a Darlington Transistor

H-Bridges vs Darlington transistors to drive motors

DC motor control with an Arduino both ways with a motor shield L298 motor controller.

Stepper motor control with ULN2803 Darlington Transistors in one chip in your kit

Selection of motors sources

Linear Actuators demo with power supply

Shafts and output to mechanical systems

Assignment for next class: Continue working on refinements of your final project.

Week 6

Art Inspiration

Ben Rubin and Mark Hanson

Ken Rinaldo Spider Haus Movies work and Fusiform Polyphony


What is MAX MSP and Jitter?

What is Firmatta?

Demo on Arduino and downloading StandardFirmatta

File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata menu, and then upload it to your Uno

What is Maxuino?

Documents>Library>Externals>Max Patches 2014>Maxuino simple start> etc.

Introduction to Max/MSP/Jitter programming environment and tutorials


Max Basic Tutorial 1: Hello Max patch (object boxes, message boxes and comment boxes), along with patch cords.
Metro and Toggle Creating automatic actions
Max Basic Tutorial 2: Bang!
Max Basic Tutorial 3: Numbers and Lists

Remaining time to be used as a Studio Day Pursue projects in class.



Artist inspiration:
Pamela Z 

Max Basic Tutorial 4
Max Basic Tutorial 5

Lesson on Soldering and shrink wrap in robotics, bio Art Game LAB 160

In class create a synthesizer using random, metro, cycle and toggle and duplicate.

Assignment for next class: Write a patch that generates 30-60 seconds of sound. Synthesizer You will perform the patch yourself.

Assignment for next class: The ordering of parts and production of the final project process

Studio Day pursue projects in class.

Week 7

Artist inspiration:

Mark Zirpel

***Bring your functioning electronics and software for your project to class for a brief demonstration.

Studio Day Pursue projects in class. Professor reviews your progress.


Lauri Anderson Oh Superman

Demo of Max MSP and Jitter. Video control with a potentiometer.

Tech Demo: Real Time Composition Karlheinz Essl


Full class views students working circuits or MAX code who did not show one on Tuesday

How to hack into small Infrared controllers

Studio Day. Pursue projects in class.

Week 8

Artist example:


Nam Jun Paik at SF MOMA

Nam Jun Paik with Martha Moorman

David Hall TV Interruptions

Professor and meets individually with each student offering help.

Studio day to pursue your projects.

***Bring your functioning electronics integrated with your project to class for a brief demonstration to the professor if you have not done so. 



Week 9


Artists inspiration

Be prepared with some physical aspect of the project you are working with such as the shell, treatment of how you will house your work, sculptural aspect etc.

Pursue final projects workday

Tech Demo: Draw from class pursuits


Theo Jansen

Bring a physical aspect of your casing or shell to hold your electronics to class today.


Wire and current.

Examples: Rj45 jacks, ribbon cable, connectors etc.

Mechanical Transmissions Chapter

Pursue final projects Studio day

week 10

Laura Splan alternative ways of developing form.

Maywa Denki

Pursue final projects Studio day


Mitch Vicieux takes class today and takes the role.

Ken Rinaldo presentation at the CCAC

Fernando Orellana

Pursue final projects Studio day.

Week 11

Piezo Pickups

Jim Campbell low resolution


Art inspiration

Bring another physical part of your work integrated with electronics today

Pursue final projects Studio day

week 12

Artistic inspiration Camille Utterback Interactive feedback.

Bring another physical part of your work integrated with electronics today

Pursue final projects Studio day


Mitch Viciuex takes the class.

Ken in Taipei Taiwan.

Pursue final projects Studio day

week 13

Review of your complete or nearly complete project review with the professor. 

*By this date plan to have all nearly finished.


Amy Youngs

Studio Day to work on your projects.

Review of your complete or nearly complete project review with the professor. 

week 14

Interactive installations, videos, performances, and writings explore gender and labor in digital culture. Appearing throughout North America and Europe, her work was the subject of a 2016 survey exhibition at Pera Museum, Istanbul. Based in Brooklyn, she is Associate Professor of New Media Arts at Baruch College, CUNY.

Studio day to pursue your projects. 


Thanksgiving break Wed 21-25


Final Critique Full class and all work complete and ready to install by this date. Bring all to class. NO video documentation of the work. You can install the work in 146 to get full experience. 


Finish Crits for few students who did not go. 

cleanup and polish your blogs day

Week 15

End of semester exhibition: 

Blockchain Bio-dataveillance 

Dataveillance is the practice of monitoring and collecting online data as well as metadata. The word is a portmanteau of data and surveillance. Dataveillance is concerned with the continuous monitoring of users’ communications and actions across various platforms. The blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. For billions of years on earth bacterial life has also been gathering data and information, about its own environment and co-evolving as a unified cognizant eco-system of DNA based memories. All these biological worlds have given rise to us, and we to our machines in a moment some would now, call post-human. 

Blockchain Bio-dataveillance asks how do the gathering, analysis, and presentation of data, information and art impact who and how we are seen? Which machines and biological systems are collecting our data and how? How do data filters in visual, spoken, written and biological languages impact how we are seen and understood as artists,  researchers or beings? In the times of commercial collection of our DNA via corporations like 23 & Me and Facebook artificial intelligence and machine learning the question is who owns and who controls your data, and what might it mean to your future? Since there is too much data, for humans to analyze, most of your data is now analyzed by machines. Is it acceptable that your data is creating a data dossier on you, that may control your access to international travel or healthcare? Is it OK to have an algorithm to determine who and how we are perceived? 

Works from Blockchain Bio-dataveillance will imagine machine and human intelligence unifying through contemporary art expression in an understanding of the multiplicities of cognition of human, machine, and non – human other. 

Drop off and set up TBA

9 am – 11 am – All physical artwork dropped off (framed and ready to hang)

11 am – 12:30 pm – jurying or all grad GTAs and faculty

12:30 – 1:30 – show layout: grad GTAs and faculty

1:30 – 5 pm – Show set up in Collaboratory, Corridor, room 156 and room 160. Grad GTAs and faculty and your students in classes.


Wed Show opens at 5:00 – 8:00 at Hopkins Hallway and lobby and 146 and 156 etc,