Bright and early on a rather cold October 21 DSWS took to the streets for six hours to help with the Columbus Marathon. Proceeds from the marathon are donated to Nationwide Children’s Hospital to help the hospital and its medically fragile children. This amazing organization is one that DSWS helps with every year. During this time we set up the water and Gatorade station. This included filling the cups, stacking them, and even mixing the Gatorade. While seemingly a minuscule task, our work helped the marathon run smoothly. By being able to have a station set up where we were also enabled the runners to be able to reach their finish lines. The organization would not be able to raise as much money for Nationwide if it was not for the volunteers like us. As a result of this service I learned that I enjoy doing little tasks that contribute to something bigger than myself. Even something as simple as handing a cup of water to a runner was exciting as I realized what sort of impact my contribution will have on others. As mentioned in a previous post, sometimes it is the little tasks that make the biggest difference. As a leader this experience has offered me a way to see that come to life. Because of this service learning opportunity I am a stronger leader.