Safety Tips On and Off-Campus

OnCampus SafetyIf you have ever walked around The Ohio State University campus, you may have noticed some rectangular posts with the word “EMERGENCY” in big, white letters.  These are placed all around campus with the intent of keeping students and faculty safe.  The university has placed these posts in positions that allow at least one to always be within sight.  If you push the circular red button, Campus Security is supposed to arrive to you in no longer than 90 seconds. 

On Campus, you will also see campus security vehicles and officers, also known as The Ohio State University Police Department.   They offer a presence on campus that helps students feel safe.  It also may be wise to invest in personal security devices.  These might include mace, keychains or even self-defense classes.  The Ohio State University is in a large city, which always poses a threat, but there are ways to ensure you are being as safe as possible.   


OffCampus SafetyThere are many opportunities to stay safe as a student living off campus.  Lyft ride smart is an option for students to get discounted prices on LYFT rides from 9:00 pm to 7:00 am in the campus area.  This allows students to make the smart choice as opposed to walking home alone in later hours.  More information regarding LYFT Ride Smart can be found at Lyft Ride Smart at Ohio State | Transportation and Traffic Management (  Rave Guardian is a useful app that allows you to select guardians to track you via GPS as you travel or walk to your destination using a timer.  If the time expires it will alert your guardian to follow-up or take appropriate action.  You can download this by searching “Rave Guardian” in your Ohio State App.  There are also a few task forces designated to keep the off-campus area safe!  The Special Improvement District or SID can be seen off-campus and are there to report litter, help with directions, or report suspicious behavior.  The Community Crime Patrol can also be seen off-campus ensuring the safety of students and community members.   


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