Clean Out Your Fridge: Trying Out Recipe Generator Websites

Do you ever peek into your refrigerator and can’t decide on what to make? Your fridge is stocked with a couple ingredients of this, a couple ingredients of that, but nothing that you can picture summing up a whole meal. A fun way to pair ingredients together and spark a little inspiration in your kitchen is by using a recipe generator website! These websites allow you to enter the contents of your kitchen and does the brainstorming for you. The generator takes the ingredients you enter and pulls from a database of recipes from popular cooking websites to matchThe search is customizable as well, with options to search by kind of meal, appetizer, snack, or dessert, or to find only vegetarian, gluten-free, low-carb, or vegan recipes. Seeking out recipes to use up the last ingredients couple ingredients in your kitchen instead of throwing them away is sustainable, intentional, and cost efficient. 

The following are some examples of recipe’s I’ve found plugging in my own kitchen’s food! 

  • Raw Avocado and Broccoli Salad 
  • Frozen Yogurt Bars 
  • Cinnamon Yogurt Fruit Dip 
  • Cauliflower Cakes 
  • Avocado Breakfast Pizza 
  • BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes 
  • Crock Pot Orange Chicken 
  • Omelet Egg Roll 
  • BBQ Lettuce Cups 
  • Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese 

The following are examples of recipe generator websites. Plug in the ingredients in your kitchen and try out a recipe! Don’t forget to tag @offcampus_osu to show us your food! 


One thought on “Clean Out Your Fridge: Trying Out Recipe Generator Websites

  1. I’ve been using one called recipegenerators. It’s now my go to. I tried to stump it with only two ingredients I had in the fridge and pantry and it made a recipe and it actually tasted great. It’s actually amazing as it seems to not just get canned recipes from the web but actually uses AI to come up with recipes based on ingredients you have on hand. I use it all the time now and it’s free. Its over at This morning I made breakfast with an item in my fridge and another i from pantry. saves me a bunch waste on veggies, and stuff I would have wasted. time and money.

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