
Some of the quickest and easiest snacks when it comes to sustainable recipes are smoothies. Whether it be breakfast on-the-go before class, a mid-afternoon homework snack, or even a caffeine boost, a good smoothie recipe can go a long way. Smoothies are fairly easy to make sustainable, as there are so many alternatives available to substitute dairy products. By purchasing frozen fruits in place of fresh fruit, you’ll be able to store the ingredients for longer as well. The following are a few recipes that we’ve put together with both the college student lifestyle and sustainable practices in mind. Take the ingredients listed below, throw them in a blender, and enjoy! As always feel free to add anything to give the smoothie a personalized twist.  

Tropical Spring Smoothie 


  • ½ cup of frozen mangos 
  • ½ cup of frozen pineapple 
  • 1 cup of baby spinach 
  • 1 cup of orange juice 
  • Optional: add a splash of almond milk to make the smoothie creamier! 


Mixed Berry Smoothie 


  • ½ frozen banana 
  • 1 cup of frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) 
  • 1/3 cup choice of milk 
  • 2-3 ice cubes 
  • 1 scoop of protein powder for a filling breakfast! 

Morning Coffee Smoothie 


  • 1 tbsp of coffee grounds, un-brewed 
  • 1 tbsp of peanut butter 
  • ¾ cup of vanilla almond milk (or milk of choice) 
  • ¼ cup of brewed coffee 
  • ½ frozen banana 
  • Splash of raw honey 
  • Ice as needed to thicken 

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