
During your time as an English student at OSU Newark, we encourage you to explore your interests through a variety of ways. Research opportunities are a huge part of the OSU experience, and just because you’re on a smaller campus doesn’t mean you have to miss out. Thesis work, positions as research assistants, and research trips funded by grants are great ways to explore your favorite topics.


Thesis Work

A thesis allows you to work closely with a professor as you research a topic the fascinates or puzzles you. From the narrative importance of video games to a thorough study of Jane Austen and even to the sexist themes of Disney films, there is a professor willing to walk you through your researching journey. The possibilities are pretty endless for this challenging yet rewarding task of completing a thesis!


Research Assistant

However, if you love research, but aren’t entirely sure of what you’d like to research on your own, there are still opportunities available! Our professors are constantly working on projects within their own areas of expertise and are looking for students who are eager to learn to assist them. This assistance looks different depending on the professor, student, and area of research, but one thing is for sure, it is a rewarding experience that allows you to delve into topics and interests you may not have seen before!


Research Trips

Much like out Liverpool trip every summer, students are able to fund research trips with grants through the university. Is there an archive or museum in your area of interest? Are you looking to perform research and present your findings in conferences around the world? OSU Newark is willing to help you make those goals a reality!