Folklore Studies

Why Concentrate in Folklore Studies?

Are you interested in culture, traditions, and urban legends? Have you ever wondered how community and culture shape perception? The Folklore Studies concentration in the English Major may be right for you! Folklorists take a holistic, ethnographic approach to the study of culture, past and present. We enter a village, a factory, a church, or a student subculture to be instructed in the vernacular forms of expression used by that community to shape its reality and conduct its affairs. We approach historical and archival materials with a similar ethnographic lens and sensitivity to matters of context. We are particularly interested in the nature of and interrelations among text, context, genre, performance, aesthetics, identity, ideology, and tradition.

Folklore has long been part of the English Department at OSU, with the majority of folklore faculty and courses making their home in English, making this cross-disciplinary concentration an easy fit for many English Majors.


  • 9 credit hours of historical surveys in literature
  • 3 credit hours of introduction to folklore
  • 3 credit hours of sociolinguistics
  • 3 credit hours of Romanticism
  • 9 credit hours in folklore studies
  • 3 credit hours of diversity in English Studies
  • 9 credit hours additional English electives

The Folklore concentration can be partially completed at Ohio State’s Newark campus.

Interested in the Folklore Studies concentration? Talk to your advisor or one of our English faculty to learn more.

For more information, download the official OSU Folklore Concentration sheet.