Year in Review

Over my first year in college I have changed and grew as a person and member of society. I have begun to look at the world as something that I can change for the better, and not just look at from afar. The classes that I am taking and material I am learning will be vital to my future success. The people that I have met and relationships I have created have really shown me how I have changed into a different and better person. The Ohio State University has changed me into not the person I thought I wanted to be, but the person that I truly want to be and I realize that now. Before this year I thought that all I wanted to do was to use my time to learn, If someone were to pay me to learn anything scientific or technological I would have taken that job, I truly enjoy learning all of the Ins and Outs of everything. I have realized now that I still want to learn but I also want to share my knowledge and passion with others. I want to discuss and share with other intellectuals, not remained holed up reading. In this present day it takes more than one person to make the big discoveries, and I want to be one of those people in a lab somewhere with twenty colleagues all cheering because we got our breakthrough.

I was always considered mature for my age but I was stubborn. If I believed that I was right and had some form of proof it was very difficult to sway my opinion. Now I can think critically about ideas and change my mindset dynamically, using my mind and ideas more effectively than ever before.

Before I entered the STEM EE scholars program I was lost deep in my own world. I escaped and realized that more people have interesting things to share, and I can use what they share and apply it to my own life. I can work effectively in a group and collaborate to get the best out of everyone’s time and mind. The friends that I have made here will be important to my future success and I am sure that I will need their help as they will need mine. It is vital to use knowledge from other people in order to assess a situation in a different way and create new solutions to these problems. The STEM EE scholars program at Ohio State has taught me the importance of sharing ideas and knowledge, having ideas flow and bounce from one person to another. Two heads is always better than one when creating solutions.

The STEM EE program at Ohio state has helped me grow, evolve and become a better person, student and learner. I have used my first year at Ohio State to learn the basics of college and life and will continue to learn more as a progress throughout college and the rest of my life.

G.O.A.L.S. Important to Me

I am a Physics Major interested in research and possibly pursuing education after my research career. I want to discover new things about the universe, unveil its secrets and then be able to share these with the world. The two parts of G.O.A.L.S. that I relate to most are Original Inquiry and Academic Enrichment. I have to have original thoughts to work around problems, to quote a famous Physicist Albert Einstein – “We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. It is important to always be changing and to have an adaptive mind to solve complex and intricate problems. Academic Enrichment is also important to my field, being a STEM field. I must know many different facets of the same topic in order to understand the whole problem, and not just the problem itself but the problems it also causes or problems caused by possible solutions.

Original Inquiry is all about diversifying the mind, it is important to have original thoughts and apply these slices of wisdom to other problems that exist. In research it will be important to develop new strategies and ideas to think about old and new topics. I will have to be a critically thinking individual, being able to think of and apply plenty of ideas to a single problem to find the solution that fits best. I plan to incorporate them into my future by earning a research opportunity or internship being able to think for myself and not have the guided learning of school. I will also be participating in STEP next semester which will allow me to use my creativity for a project of my own.

Academic Enrichment is enhancing my knowledge base, past what I just need to know, in order to learn the inner workings and deeper mechanics of what I am learning. In Physics and all STEM fields it is important to not only know how things work but why they work. It is also necessary to understand related subjects so everything can be explained and this also helps understand the connections between these two topics. This is important to be multi-disciplinary because the connection is where new science is discovered because it is overlooked by people who only study their subject and do not venture out. In my future I plan to learn more skills that can be transferred between disciplines, like programming, in order to better use my resources. I will also attend lectures given by guest speakers that interest me to learn about their experiences solving their own problems also gaining a slice of wisdom to use in my career.

All of the goals are important to my career but these are the most important in my opinion. I need to be a critical thinker and have original ideas to solve problems that others have not been able to solve. I will continue to extend my knowledge base, drawing information from multiple sources. Knowledge from the same source will lead to the same problems occurring , it requires  a new source and more diverse knowledge to solve the problems in our world today.

Artifact 1 – JETS

UC JETS image <- Students taking the TEAMS test

J.E.T.S. T.E.A.M.S. stands for Junior Engineering Technical Society Test of Engineering Aptitude Mathematics and Science. What does this mean though? It is an annual competition held by University of Cincinnati to test high school students in critical thinking with scientific backgrounds in collaboration with fellow students they know. I participated in 2015 with 5 other students from my school. Although we were understaffed, we placed and received a plaque. This experience taught me to test myself and always think critically to work around a problem and solve it from a different angle.

My Resume

Ian Andrew Neuhart


College Career

  • Currently Enrolled in The Ohio State University for a B.S. in Physics
  • OSU Honor Roll Autumn 2015
  • Stem-EE Scholars Program


Academic Honors and Awards

  • Academic Honor Roll, all semesters
  • National Honor Society 2014-2015
  • Turpin High School Spartan Club, Academic Membership 2011- 2014


Other Awards and Distinctions

  • Order of the Arrow, Ordeal Member 2011
  • NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Boy Scouts of America 2011
  • Turpin High School Lacrosse 2012-2015
  • Turpin High School Soccer 2011-2012
  • Turpin High School Chorus Awards 2012-2015


High School Leadership Activities

  • Turpin High School Link Crew Leader (Senior Leader) 2014-2015
  • Turpin High School Peer Tutor 2013-2015
  • Camp Kern Counselor 2014, 2015
  • The Challenge Leadership Program, Ted Wiese, selected by Administration 2013
  • Teacher Aide (Biology) 2012


Community Service and Leadership

  • Science Fair Judge 2014, 2015
  • Science Fair participant 2012
  • Lifeguard Certification 2013
  • Boy Scouts of America Troop 281, Dan Beard Council, Star Rank 2008-2013
  • Instructor, Boy Scout Troop 281, 1 term 2012
  • Patrol Leader, Boy Scout Troop 281, 3 Terms 2010-2011
  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Boy Scout Troop 281, 1 term 2011
  • Order of the Arrow, Ordeal Member 2011
  • NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) Boy Scouts of America 2011
  • Volunteer, Actively participated in 10 Eagle Scout Service Projects 2007-2012
  • Volunteer, Pancakes in the woods 2010-2011
  • Volunteer, Parish festivals (St. Ann’s Hamilton and Immaculate Heart of Mary) 2011-2014
  • Volunteer, Anderson Days 2014


Paid Employment Experience

  • Moxie Parking summer 2014


Other Activities and Hobbies

I enjoy a variety of outdoor activities.  In the summer, I like any type of water sport.  During the winter months, you can find me on the slopes either snowboarding or skiing.  I have also participated in a few Spartan Races.



I have become a much stronger person, by constantly pushing myself to do more for myself and my community.  The relationships that I have made in the past and continue to make will help me develop into an even better person than I am today. The Stem-EE scholars program has benefited me greatly, giving me better communication skills and allowing me to interact with peers in different disciplines than me. I am excited to continue on this track and use my abilities to push myself to go even further.

My Strengths

I recently took the StrengthsFinder poll created by Gallup in order to determine my strengths and learn more about myself. My top five strengths in order are Futuristic, Strategic, Ideation, Learner, and Input, which all lie in the Strategic Thinking category. This means that I am good at analyzing and solving problems. Futuristic is my ability to imagine the future, where I want to be, what I will be doing, and even just imagining a better world to live in. Ideation means I love to create and share ideas with everyone. It can be about the future, the present, or anything in between. Strategic gives logic and order to my thoughts and ideas, helping them flow and seem simple, even when the answer is a complex one. Learner is pretty obvious: it is my willingness and need to always be learning. I love to challenge myself and learn more and more, even on my own time. Input is described as collecting things, according to Gallup; I like to collect knowledge just to absorb more information, not knowing whether it could be important later. Some might say I hoard knowledge but I like to think I share as much as I take in.

My strengths follow my thought process and define me really well. I always try to be logical in my decisions and thought process, inside school and in everyday life. I always imagine myself doing research or being a teacher, sharing all of the knowledge I have acquired. I am always full of ideas, some more realistic than others, but I always can find a way or two to solve a problem.

In my current life, I know my strengths will assist my problem solving abilities. I think strategically and can look at the final product and can work backwards from the solution. My strengths are very functional towards academics: having the need to learn always keeps me interested in any topic, even the ones not related to my major. Knowing my strengths has supported my future goals. I knew that I wanted to go on to even higher education, receive a doctorate in the field of Physics of my choice. I can use my strengths to solve problems that others have trouble with, making me a vital asset to any team. In the future, I will be able to utilize my strengths to assess research related problems and discover new things about my field of research. Knowing my strengths will help me progress and develop into a better and stronger person.

Welcome to my Honors & Scholars e-Portfolio

Hello, and welcome to My Honors and Scholars E-Portfolio. My name is Ian Neuhart, and this Portfolio will document my time during college and the STEM EE Scholars group here at The Ohio State University. This blog will continue to be updated during the course of my college career and will tell my story.

If you want to know more about me go to my About Me post.

Learn about my academic interests and achievements in my Artifacts post.

The Career post will tell about experiences that will help me in my future career.

Learn about my activities and learn about G.O.A.L.S. under the G.O.A.L.S. post.

My past year will be under Year in Review.

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]