
The two artifacts pictured above are projects that I, along with one other person, created for The National History Day Competition while I was in high school. I made it to the state level competition and I created the exhibit on the left for that competition. I worked on these projects from September all the way to March. I worked alongside my Social Studies and Science teacher for guidance. The topic for the competition was Revolution, Reaction, Reform, and, in brief, Jomo Kenyatta led a rebellion against the British colonization to help the Kenyan’s gain their independence. Through this project, I learned to do extensive research and I also learned how to search through national databases for primary sources. I still use some of the research portals for research projects and papers in college. I decided to include this artifact for multiple reasons. First, it is my biggest academic accomplishment and it is the one that I am most proud of because it showcases my creativity and it helped me to learn to collaborate with others. Also, it taught me a lot of valuable skills that are necessary for me to be academically successful in college. This project was extremely time consuming and challenging, but I definitely learned to have patience and that learning is so much more fun when you are creative with it!


Sounding the Alarm-Battling the Autism Epidemic

The link above is my ACES pillars project. I collaborated with four other girls on this project which talks about Autism. We watched a documentary on Netflix about the growing Autism epidemic and then we tied several parts of the documentary to the different ACES Pillars. This artifact has taught me what people who have autism face on an everyday basis and it also taught me to appreciate the little things in my life such as being able to walk and talk that much more. We worked on this project for about two weeks and we all had different emotional connections to the film. Seeing those families struggle and having to relocate simply because they couldn’t afford treatment for their loved ones was really frustrating. I decided to include this artifact not only because it was a requirement for an assignment but because it made me so much more passionate about advocating on the behalf of people with mental disabilities. Before I watched this film, I had no idea that this problem even existed and I’m sure many others can say the same. This project taught me that if we come together as a community and make ourselves more aware of these issues then they will be addressed!


ObservationPaper_RavenNeal-Jackson (Autosaved)-26oz2br

This is a link to a paper I wrote for my child development class on the formation of children’s gender roles. This topic is especially important in today’s society with all of the debates and reforms surrounding the transgender community and their access to equality. This was not only my favorite paper that I have done in college so far, but it was also the most interesting topic to cover. It was cool to learn how children can influence other children’s gender roles. It was also interesting to see how something as small as a pink baby hat given to newborns at the hospital can hold such a symbolic meaning in our society! This topic fits in into the ACES pillar of both global inquiry and academic enrichment because I definitely learned how different races police their children’s gender roles in different ways and I observed first hand how children can be individually unique!

The link above is a link to a scholarship I received. The scholarship is an education abroad scholarship for  $2,000. I anticipate on going to Nicaragua for the nursing experience and to see how the healthcare system differs in an underdeveloped country. I chose to incorporate this as an artifact because I was one of the members of the first cohort for this scholarship and also because it has always been a dream to study abroad and these funds make that reality more possible for me! This artifact fits into the ACES pillars because this will involve me studying abroad, providing community service to the population I will be living amongst, I will be taking classes learning about the culture in Nicaragua, and I will be conducting research. This fits perfectly into my future goals because I aspire to be a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and this will give me great exposure to the nursing field and to some basic nursing skills!