Denmark 2001

2001 National Report for Denmark

National report on METADATA initiatives in Denmark June 2000 thru July 2001

Anders Nielson

National Survey & Cadastre

Copenhagen, Denmark

This brief report will concentrate on the activities related to international collaboration and to our web services and

There may be other relevant initiatives, that we are not presently aware of, or for which we have only sparse information.

Please forward any supplementary information or correct any mistakes herein to Anders Nielsen (e-mail: )

Since the commission meeting in Monaco, June 2000, the main concerns of the KMS metadata team have been :

  1. To ensure current and consistent information throughout the web service achieved through:

¨     All documents annually checked by means of automated scanning of dates.

¨     The web service facilities and user interface is reviewed for functionality and relevance.

¨     A new concept based on direct access to the metadatabase supercedes the previous model based on static html documents

¨     A geographic search module is planned for this new active version (hence all data sets will have bounding box information)

¨     A user guide and some reference documents has been included in the Danish version of the service.

¨     A number of presentations related to the service is now available from our English language version of our service:

  1. To initiate a broader Nordic collaboration on metadata, quality principles and eventually SDIs.

¨     The first Nordic metadata seminar was held in Copenhagen and Malmö on May 3rd and 4th 2001. Presentations available (send email to to gain access)

¨     The second Nordic metadata seminar will take place in October 2001 in Helsinki.

  1. To develop the efforts of reducing redundant work in the metadata migration process

¨     XML is still being developed as a means of transferring information between heterogeneous systems.

¨     The regional collaboration DGMS/Ö has been the locomotive for this development, and

¨     XML generators and readers as well as DTDs for the various standard’s profiles are constantly tested and refined.

¨     An online metadata updating and validation procedure has been tested successfully

  1. To develop a stand-alone and platform independent application for the decentralized creation of metadata.

¨     A number of software vendors were invited to present their ideas about an easy tool for the non-expert’s management of metadata in a controlled (but still flexible) environment.

¨     One company tendered and developed a piece of software that this institution plans on submitting for free. A number of adjustments still need attention before we can present this catalog front-end to the wider public.

  1. Internationally Denmark has

¨     participated in a workshop held by ETeMII at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. This meeting had the objective of analyzing compatibility issues between Dublin Core and ISO 19115 core

¨     hosted and participated in a DGIWG meeting in Copenhagen and in a DGIWG metadata working party meeting in Brussels.

© Copyright, ICA Standards Commission, 2001