- Ohio State University
- State of Ohio
- Universities and Research Laboratories in North America
- Interactive Map of Geography Departments in the U.S. and Canada *
- Carnegie Mellon Univ., Digital Mapping Lab *
- Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (Smithsonian Institution) *
- Digital Image Analysis Laboratory (Univ. of Arizona, Tucson)
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) *
- Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center (Georgia Tech.)
- Institute of Mathematical Geography (Univ. of Michigan) *
- McGill Institute for the Study of Canada *
- MIT – Earth Resources Lab
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
- Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OGIS) *
- Oregon State University : Terra Cognita
- Oregon State University : Marine and Coastal GIS Lab
- Penn State, Dept. of Geography
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Univ. of California, San Diego)
- Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Geography
- SUNY at Buffalo, Geographic Information and Analysis Lab
- Univ. of Arkansas, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST)
- Univ. of California Santa Cruz, Laboratory for Visualization and Graphics *
- Univ. of Hawaii, Satellite Oceanography Laboratory *
- Univ. of Illinois, Geographical Modeling Systems Laboratory
- Univ. of Iowa, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research *
- Univ. of Laval, Quebec, Department of Geography
- Univ. of Maine, Spatial Information Science and Engineering *
- Univ. of South Carolina, Dept. of Geography *
- Univ. of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Geography *
- Univ. of Toronto, Center for Landscape Research *
- University of Victoria (Canada), Centre for Earth and Ocean Research, Spatial Sciences Lab *
- Univ. of Washington, Dept. of Geography
- Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, Dept. of Geography *
- International Universities and Laboratories
- Dresden University of Technology (Germany), Institute for Cartography *
- Masaryk University, Dept. of Geography, Brno, Czech Republic *
- Univ. College of London(UK), Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)
- Univ. of Edinburgh(UK), Dept. of Geography – GIS WWW server *
- Univ. of Nottingham(UK), Dept. of Geography *
- Univ. of Sheffield (UK), Dept. of Town & Regional Planning – GISDATA *
- Univ. of Innsbruck(Austria), Dept. of Geography
- Univ. of Vienna(Austria), Dept. of Geography, Cartography & GeoInfomation
- Technical Univ. of Vienna(Austria), Dept. of Cartography and Reproduction Technique [German] *
- Institut für Kartographie und Geo-medientechnik *
- Institute for GeoInformation
- Adam Mickiewicz University(Poland), Quaternary Research Institute, The Virtual Geomorphology
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich, Department of Geodetic Sciences (D-GEOD) *
- Warsaw University of Technology, Geodesy and Cartography *
- Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography”
- University of Auckland, New Zealand, School of Geography and Environmental Science
- Australia : Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- University of New South Wales, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences *
- University of Queensland, School of Geography *
- Nanjing University, China, Department of Urban and Resources Sciences
- China : LREIS State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Systems *
- Chinese Academy of Sciences *
- Peking University, China : Department of City and Environmental Sciences *
- Univ. of Hong Kong (China), Dept. of Geography
- Kyoto University (Japan), Geographic Information Sciences Laboratory *
- Univ. of Pune (India), Dept. of Geography *