Welcome to the NAVCA Homepage!

The North American Veterinary  College Administrators is comprised of administrators representing 31 Veterinary Colleges and Schools in North America. The purpose of the group to share information regarding the business aspects of veterinary colleges and teaching hospitals specifically related to finance, human resources, operations, facilities, IT, and patient care.  Official NAVCA business is governed by the group’s By-Laws.

NAVCA holds an annual conference to discuss key topics related to veterinary college and teaching hospital operations.  Each year the conference rotates veterinary colleges and schools.  Check out the Annual Conference page for future conference details and information, include copies of presentations and information from past conferences.

2024 NAVCA Conference will be hosted by the University of Florida!

The NAVCA Steering Committee is made up of volunteers from the general membership who are assisting with website, listserve, membership, and conference management.  Email any member of the committee to provide feedback and/or suggestions on any of these topics. Volunteers are always welcome!  REGISTRATION IS OPEN!! Visit the Conference Page for more information.

We are currently looking for a host school for the 2025 NAVCA Conference.  If you are interested please email Kristi Pyke at

  • 2026 Conference Host: UC Davis
  • 2027 Conference Host: Colorado State University

2024 – 2025 NAVCA Steering Committee

  • Kristi Pyke (The Ohio State University) – Chair
  • Sheri Holloway (University of Florida)
  • Eric Biggs (Purdue University)
  • Gary Foltz (Michigan State University)
  • Chris Brandt (University of California-Davis)
  • Peggy Bryan (University Missouri)
  • Shameie Haynes (Mississippi State University)
  • Julie Rosenberger (Virginia-Maryland)

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