# 1 Edutopia

edutopia Image Source:  http://parentsnightoff.com





Edutopia is highly organized education related blog site.  As a user of Edutopia you can search by grade level , and beyond that you can search by their core strategies of Comprehensive  Assessment, Integrated Studies, Project-Based Learning, Social & Emotional Learning, Teacher Development, and Technology Integration. Edutopia also offers multiple blogs for teachers and other education professionals to find information and ideas at.

Educational Uses

I would use Edutopia as a teacher tool. I really like the information found in the Comprehensive Assessment, Integrated Studies, and Project-Based Learning sections. I find this be helpful because as an educator of younger students, I could use some inspiration and helpful advice on ways to integrate studies and then assess in different and exciting ways for them.

Also, I really like the project based learning because in my student teaching placement the school I was in did a lot of work with project based learning (PBL) and the students really enjoyed it and learned a lot while I was there. However, before my student teaching I had not done really any work with PBL, so I was learning as much of that process as I could in that time that I was doing my student teaching. I find that the videos, articles, and blogs in regard to PBL are very helpful and could teach me a lot and give me a lot of great ideas on how to better implement PBL in the classroom. Also, the blog can give me some advice on awesome common core standards to focus around. 

I also like the Game-Based Learning blog. The blog has a lot of ideas and games that can be used in the classroom. I have found that games are a fun way to engage students in learning that they enjoy.

Since Edutopia is a blog to support teachers and give those teachers ideas there are multiple standards and then assessments that could be used with those ideas. However, the blog is for teachers and students would not be using it directly.


Edutopia is a FREE blog site that has a lot of great information to support teachers and education professionals. Edutopia even has a New- Teacher Support blog to aid teachers during the challenges of their first year.


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