

Columbus To Do List #1

For my Freshman year I have decided to follow the themes list rather than the neighborhood list. I wanted to discover Columbus through various themes because I am curious to discover what Columbus has to offer as a whole rather than what each part of Columbus can provide/is known for. I am looking forward to finding out all of the ways that Columbus is involved and interconnected with the rest of the world around us. From art, to music, to food and beyond; I am excited to learn about the different components that go into a city like Columbus. By the end of this assignment I hope to have a good understanding of the opportunities that Columbus presents for anything from entertainment to future job placement. My first experience with Columbus so far was my visit to the Columbus Museum of Art.


The Columbus Museum of Art

My visit to the Columbus Museum of Art was much better than I could have ever hoped for. When I first arrived I had suspicions that I may have doomed myself to a rather bland afternoon of aimlessly wandering around a quiet gallery. It was to my great pleasure that I soon found myself lost in the works of hundreds of artists whose paintings and sculptures date back centuries. I would say that my appreciation for art was broadened by this trip but I think it was more that I discovered my love of art in the first place. I think everyone has an appreciation of art to some degree and that is why I would recommend that everyone try the experience at least once. The Columbus Museum 0f Art includes various styles of painting, sculptures, glassworks, and even interactive activities for those feeling a bit on the artistic side. I had a great time at the Columbus Museum of Art and I will definitely be going to check it out again soon.


Columbus Center of Science and Industry

Last weekend I took advantage of COSI’s free admission night for students on campus. COSI is Columbus’ destination for anyone with a love of science. COSI has hours of fun activities involving cool tricks and uses for various scientific principles. COSI’s  mission is to make learning about science fun, and it surely did the trick! Whether I was lifting a car on my own or riding a unicycle across a tightrope, COSI kept me busy the entire duration of my visit. I was amazed at just how much there was to do and how simple many of the activities were to take part in. Visitors of all ages are able to play and learn in a safe environment that encourages curiosity and exploration. A visit to COSI will ignite the scientific minds of all who enter and I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a great event for the day.



This past weekend some friends and I visited Basil, a local restaurant located in Short North. My visit to Basil was amazing but did start off with some confusing. When my friend Tyler (“Tall Tyler” is the farthest pictured to the right) suggested Basil I wasn’t sure what to expect, but after passing countless take out restaurants and fast food places I was glad to see something different. Basil is an old-style, wood floor, brick wall restaurant with a comforting feel to it. When I first walked in I was so surprised that I almost felt underdressed for such a place. Basil’s kind staff and gluten free options were phenomenal for my friends and I and we will definitely be sure to go back the next time we want to sit down for a quality meal. For anyone looking for a quiet place to eat some amazing food, I recommend you check out Basil. The food might not be for everyone (mostly Thai food options) but it is certainly worth a try.


Columbus To Do List #2

After completing the Columbus To Do List assignment I would have to say the COSI was definitely the coolest place I visited. I have always loved the science center I have back home in Cleveland but it is nowhere near as impressive as COSI and it was great to see what kinds of cool new concepts I could learn that are not offered at the science center near me. From the Columbus To Do List I learned just how much Columbus is leading in the world today. Columbus has some of the nations best art pieces, sports stadiums, eateries, etc. Columbus is much more complex and expansive than I could have ever imagined and I am excited to see what else there is to experience even after this assignment is over. This assignment has sparked my interest in some of the local shops around the city. I already knew about the sports stadiums and many of the recreation activities available but I had never realized just how cool Columbus’ shopping district would be. Columbus is littered with odd shops that sell some pretty interesting products and I am excited to see what there is to dig up. For anyone who wishes to follow in my footsteps and discover Columbus for themselves I would recommend that you come up with a plan before you depart but don’t stick too closely to it. There are so many interesting things to discover in Columbus, it is okay to get a little side tracked along the way.


Columbus Adventure with Peer Group


This weekend I had the opportunity to visit another local restaurant here in Columbus. Since this visit comes at the start of a new semester, I took this trip with my new HES  peer group. For lunch we decided to go to a grilled cheese restaurant called Melt. Melt has a huge menu of sandwiches to choose from; costumers can have anything from the “Cleveland cheese steak” to the “Wake ‘n Bake.” although the order did take some time to come out, it was definitely worth the wait. The sandwiches were as big as the menu and we quickly found ourselves stuffed and satisfied with our choices. Other than the delicious food, Melt is popular for its interesting décor. Melt sports Halloween decorations, Christmas lights, and old school pop culture references all year long. From my trip to Melt I learned that there is a lot t0 find by venturing off campus. Melt may have been quite a trip but it turned out to be well worth it and I am curious to find more great spots just like it in the future. To anyone looking for a neat places to grab a meal with friends Melt is the place for you.

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