Homework 8 – Reflection on Perspective

I think all three of my perspective drawings (interior and exterior) fulfilled the criteria. In all three I was able to capture depth as well as the layout of the room or area. I also tried to incorporate details to make each image more interesting.

For the unshaded interior perspective I could have improved on the lines of my dresser which appear slightly slanted in the wrong direction. In the shaded interior perspective I was happy with the depth and shading of the staircase, however I would like to make the floor a little more realistic by capturing the shine & texture of the hardwood. My outdoor perspective drawing conveys the size of the building well and fills the page.

Sketchbook Prompt #8 – Week 8

Prompt: 8. Quickly sketch an object in your sketchbook with a light pencil. Go back over the sketch with a darker pencil, this time slowly and accurately. Following Leonard’s example, be open to adjustments and corrections. See Leonardo da Vinci, The Burlington House Cartoon, c. 149901500and his sketch of female hands, c1474


Leonardo Da Vinci sketch of female hands 

Sketch of scissors