Month: February 2021
Homework 6 – Perspective Article & Youtube Videos
Interesting Points:
- Different perspectives can help make objects appear more realistic- more points does not necessarily make the drawing look more realistic.
- A potentially common misconception and something I was unaware of is that you can have multiple vanishing points in a one-point perspective drawing if different objects vanish at different points.
- Three-point perspective can be useful for depicting tall buildings, such as a skyscraper, from ground level.
- You can create an aerial perspective using three vanishing points in a three-point perspective drawing.
- A common mistake which I was unaware of is that a cube in an angular perspective cannot have an angle of less than 90 degrees between it’s visible faces.
- A measuring line, drawn at the front of the plane and divided into equal parts, can be useful for understanding and drawing parts of an object in an equal and realistic way.
- Furniture in a perspective drawing can be drawn by using boxes or other simple forms which can be drawn in perspective easily and then including the furniture within those parameters.
Sketchbook Prompt #12 – Week 5
Project 3 – Make a Still Life Tonal Drawing (Morandi)
In progress Project 3 – Make a Still Life Tonal Drawing
Homework 5 – GE Assignment Research
Long List:
1. Unica Zurn
2. Jay DeFeo
3. Russell Crotty
4. Lee Krasner
5. Arthur Rackham
6. Albrect Durer
7. Van Gogh
Short List:
Unica Zern: I love the creature-like appearance of her images combined with the small intricate details. Her work reminds me of weirdly shaped microbes and I study microbiology, so I find it fascinating.
Arthur Rackham: I enjoy the fairy-tale quality of Rackham’s drawings. The use of very light subtle colors over detailed and active subjects draws me in. I could look at his drawings for hours.
Albrect Durer: Durer’s detailed paintings and drawings of animals are inspiring. I especially like his “Little owl” image. I love drawing animals and the amount of texture and detail Durer has brought to his animals makes me want to draw my own.