So you want to plan an event, be it a party, conference, or symposium. While this task can sound daunting, it is completely doable with the right amount of organization and preparation.
The most obvious questions jump out immediately: Where will it be held? What will people do? How do I know how many will attend? While all of these are very valid and important questions, the first thing you should be asking is why the event is being held. What is the purpose? How does one even begin to plan an entire event?
Some things to note before continuing: All of these tips and timelines are relative to the event you are planning. An office birthday party is different from a back to school celebration; and a back to school celebration is different from a conference. By the same token, events aren’t necessarily always known far in advance. Sometimes you only have a week to throw together a small gathering and other times you have a year to plan. Regardless, there are certain bases that need to be covered first.
Below is a timeline for general event planning milestones that should be completed. While some may not apply to your event (your office birthday party does not constitute a press release or programs) the sentiments are the same.
EventPlanningTimeline copy-ss5y24
As you can see, advanced notice is the key to a successful event. Keeping on top of the milestones and anticipating your attendees’ needs and wants will make the day of your event (and subsequently, your life) run much smoother.
If you have any questions, please comment on this post or send an email to Jared or Jessy to get further clarification. If you would like the full timeline with more details, please look at the attached excel file.