Welcome, Chandini!

Well, it's no mango.

The Slavic Linguistics Lab welcomes its newest member, undergraduate Chandini White! Chandini will be a research intern in summer 2016, working with Andrea Sims on a project looking at the relationship between defectiveness and syncretism in inflectional systems. She will use reference grammars from a diverse range of languages to identify new data. She has already studied more than a dozen languages (mostly through self-study!), and the project will let her put those grammar sleuthing skills to work.

Chandini plans to study linguistics and Russian at Ohio State, and her current research interests include language contact, sociolinguistics, language and identity politics in the Balkans and Ukraine, and grammar systems. She is a frequent participant in Slavic linguistics events at OSU, including being a member of the Slavic Linguistics Forum.

Welcome, Chandini!

If you are an undergraduate student who is interested in a research opportunity, contact Andrea Sims to discuss possibilities. Students can earn course credit — Undergraduate Research (Slavic/Ling 4998(H)) or Linguistics Internship (Ling 3191). Some coursework in linguistics is necessary and some knowledge of a Slavic language is preferred, but no specific courses are required.