Ohio State was well represented at the most recent Slavic Linguistics Society meeting, held in September at the University of Toronto.
Faculty member Andrea Sims gave a plenary talk titled “Inflectional systems and the dynamic organization of the lexicon”. Several of our awesome current and former students also got in on the action, presenting their research. Shown at left (from left to right): Jeff Parker (Ph.D. 2016, now at Brigham Young University), Kate White (Ph.D. 2015, now at Rice University), Katya Rouzina (Ph.D. in progress), Andrea Sims, and Rob Reynolds (M.A. 2011, now at University of Tromsø). Not shown: Bojan Belić (Ph.D. 2005, now at University of Washington).
It was a great showing for the Slavic linguistics program! And a fun reunion. (But maybe not the best choice to have our picture taken in front of the projection screen…:)
Check out the slides from Andrea’s talk on her academia.edu page.