Registration & Evaluation


Students who wish to pursue an externship for credit during Autumn or Spring Semesters must register for the law externship course via Buckeyelink, just as they would for any other course. Students do not need to have secured a placement to register. However, please note that enrollment in the course does not guarantee any student a placement.

Students who are interested in pursuing an externship for credit during Summer Semester should contact Program Faculty, who will then facilitate registration on the student’s behalf once a placement is confirmed.

Finally, student should note that consistent with Moritz Faculty Rule 5.03(B), no more than eight externship credits graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis may count toward the minimum number of credits required for graduation.


There are three externship-related evaluations. First, students will evaluate their site and the overall quality of their field placement experience. Second, students will complete the student evaluation of teaching. Finally, externship sites will evaluate student performance, including work ethic, time management, and research and writing skills. You can find examples of student and site evaluations in the Resource Center. Externship Program faculty will make evaluation links available during the final weeks of the semester.