Bio Sci Flag Football Team
The Biological Sciences Scholars flag football team plays other scholars communities in the game of flag football. I am one of the only freshman on the team. It is fun to play the other scholars since we are one of the best teams with the exception of Dunn Sports and Wellness.
Cadaver Lab Visit 9/21/18
As a scholars group we were offered the opportunity to visit a cadaver lab with two graduate level anatomy students. We were shown many different organs such as a brain, spine, lungs and eyes. There was a pair of smoker’s lungs and they were compared to a non-smoker’s lungs. We were also shown a full cadaver, which at first was a little hard to see, especially since I had eaten breakfast only a few minutes beforehand.
Men’s Soccer Game
This game was one of the first events of the year for the Bio Sci Scholars. During this event I got to know many more people in my scholars community and was able to enjoy some OSU soccer also.
Health Points Club
I have been a member of the Health Points club since my first semester on campus, it is a great way to get involved on campus and get volunteering hours.
Volunteering at The James
During the Spring 2020 semester I held a position as a volunteer in the HTC (Hematology and Transplant Clinic) at the James. It was a wonderful way to spend volunteer hours giving back to the community.