Completed Grants

Administrative Diversity Supplement to Sex Differences in Pain Reports and Brain Activation in Older Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease

06/01/2021 – 05/31/2022

PI: Monroe

Pain and Opioid Prescribing Patterns in Medicare Beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

Resource Allocation Program Grant; The University of California San Francisco

01/2021 – 01/2022

Co/PI: Monroe, Muench, Zimmer

Operating Under Resilience (OUR) Project: Stress and emotion Management for Black/African American Women with Hypertension In a Covid-19 Social Distancing Society.



The purpose of this pilot study is to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and adherence to a nurse and dietitian-led, health education program (eCo-CHIN) via Zoom (synchronous web-based platform) to improve stress and emotional regulation in middle-age Black women with hypertension.

Sex differences in allostatic load burden in African American older adults.


PI: Wright

The purpose of this secondary analysis is to examine differences in allostatic load primary mediators and secondary mediators in community-dwelling African American females and males age 65 and older. The at-risk cut points for allostatic load and statistical analysis were used to inform the P01.

Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mind-Body intervention in Reducing Depression among Co-Morbid Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder and Psychological Disorders.


PI: Warren  Co-I: Wright

The purpose this highly competitive awarded study is to test the SKY Yoga breathing program in treatment centers in the Columbus Ohio area to reduce depression.

Differences in Pain Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia in Older Females

NIH/NIA (R21 AG049332-01A1)

09/30/16 – 05/01/20

PI: Monroe MPI: Cowan

Pain Reports and Brain Activation Patterns in People with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

NIH/NIA (K23 AG046379-01A1)

10/01/2015 – 5/31/2019

PI: Monroe

Brain functional connectivity and self-management in African Americans with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia disorders and hypertension

The Ohio State University Discovery Themes-Chronic Brain Injury Pilot Grant

01/01/18 – 12/31/19

PI: Wright  Co-PI: Monroe

Age-Related Differences in Psychophysical and Neurobiological Response to Pain

NIH/NIA (R21 AG045735-01A1)

07/01/2014 – 06/30/2017

PI: Monroe  MPI: Cowan

The Psychophysical and Neurophysiological Response to Pain in People with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Vanderbilt VICTR (KL2)

10/01/2014 – 9/30/2017 (terminated early when external K23 awarded)

PI: Monroe

Early Nurse Detection of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia – END DSD

NIH/NINR (R01 NR011042; subcontract with Pennsylvania State University)

04/01/2010 – 03/31/2014

Nurse Interventionist: Monroe  PI: Fick  Site PI: Lorraine Mion

Sex Differences in the Psychophysical and Neurophysiological Response to Experimental Thermal Pain in Healthy Older Adults

Vanderbilt VICTR V4007

05/01/12 – 05/01/13

PI: Monroe

A Descriptive Study about Decision Factors that Nurses Make in Order to Administer Medications to People with Dementia

Vanderbilt VICTR V4099

08/01/12 to 08/01/13

PI: Monroe

A Family-Focused Delirium Educational Initiative with Practice and Research Implications

Quality Improvement Project

Supported with funds from the Independence Foundation Chair (Co-PI: Lorraine Mion)

08/01/2013 – 02/01/2015

PI: Monroe

Psychophysical and Neurophysiological Response to Experimental Pain in Communicative Women with Alzheimer’s Disease

American Academy of Nursing/BAGNC

07/01/2011 – 06/30/2013

PI: Monroe

Psychophysical and Neurophysiological Response to Experimental Pain in Communicative Women with Alzheimer’s Disease

American Academy of Nursing/BAGNC – May Day Fund

07/01/2011 – 06/30/2013

PI: Monroe

Nursing Home Residents with Cancer and Dementia with and without Hospice Services

Dissertation Funded by the Alma and Hal Regan Fellowship

05/01/2007 – 03/3/2010

PI: Monroe