My 3 Takeaways

#1. Time Management

With an online course, it can be easy to let the assignments take a backseat to other courses where you meet in person several times a week. Having the ability to complete the assignments whenever you are available in the week is very useful, but do not let mindset slip into a state of putting assignments off to the last minute.  It is a good idea to set personal goals for completing the course material. These goals don’t have to be as broad as “finish work by Friday night”. They can be small goals like “look over the first reading reference before going to bed on Tuesday”. These small goals will feel like mini victories as you cross them off and by the end of the week, you will have accomplished the week’s agenda in a timely and manageable effort.


#2 Reflection

Throughout the course, online students were assigned reflection papers to apply the knowledge of what they have read in the course material each week. This short recaps offer several advantages in retaining information and further understanding of the topics.  This method of reflecting and further analyzing was also suggested in our section on note-taking strategies and is considered one of the most crucial elements in better learning. Reflection does not have to be a 250 word APA typed paper, as reflection can come in any form of review that allows you to consciously review what material you just covered.


#3 Ask For Help

Throughout college, you may feel as though you are in it alone. You are faced with many day-to-day responsibilities that you did not have in your formative years. You are thrown into a university with a model for learning that you are not familiar with. People are strangers to you, and they may seem unapproachable. That sentiment seems even more true for online learners. The lack of face to face interaction and in-person teaching can give a sense of isolation in that you have no one to help you when you start to struggle. It is important to remember that you can reach out to your instructor whenever you have a concern that needs addressing. You can also participate in online chatrooms and discussion boards to interact with other students and read their similar viewpoints or struggles with course material.  There are several helpful resources listed within the course to help you with completing and better understanding your assignments. There are also many learning centers and resource facilities on campus that you could visit if need be.

Implementing Technology


An organization App that breaks down big tasks into bite-size pieces. It brings visual representation to projects and allows us to see the active completion process for any individual or group task.  With many customizable options for each task and the ability to assign avatars to each task, planning out any event can be done with ease.


A note-taking application that uses handwriting, photos, and typing in a single note to bring variety to your notes. Notes can be annotated into PDF and organized in multiple fashions. Notability has separate folders for individual classes with unlimited room for entire course notes, homework, and reviews. I use it with my IPad and have folders set up for every class in my schedule.


Cloud Content Management app. I have it installed on my phone, IPad, and computer. Whenever I complete an assignment to turn in, I save it to a labeled folder in Box where it is saved and backed up, then upload the assignments into Carmen through Box.