During Earth Month, in the first week I plan to raise awareness about dead zones and ocean conservation by hosting a viewing party for the documentary Mission Blue. This is one of my favorite documentaries and it is what inspired me to learn more about this issue. I think the most challenging part of this action will be just to get people to come and to watch the documentary with an open mind. I plan to use the TV in my dorm room to show Mission Blue.
For the second week, I plan to hang information around Morrill Tower about the issue of dead zones and everyday actions people can take to conserve the ocean’s resources. One of the actions would be to consume less fish. I will do more research on the internet to see other small things people can do that will promote a healthy ocean. One difficulty that I see with this action is making the posters attractive and eye-catching so people will read them.
For the third week, I will email Senator Steve Wilson, who serves my home district, and tell him about the importance of ocean conservation and why I think more governmental work should be done to protect the ocean. I used the Ohio Senate website to find what senator serves my district. I think the most difficult part about this will be to see if Senator Wilson really reads the letter and listens to what I have to say.
For the fourth week, I plan to present my poster project I created for Intro to Environmental Science about hypoxia areas (dead zones). I put a lot of effort into this poster and am excited to present it and see what my classmates’ reactions to the topic are. I will be presenting at the Ohio Union and used resources provided in class and scientific articles to put the poster together. This will be challenging because so many people are presenting at the same time, that I need to make sure that my poster stands out and pushes people to help in the prevention of dead zones.