Welcome to the home page for the Milliqan Collaboration.
The Milliqan Collaboration is an international research collaboration working on a dedicated experiment for detecting “milli-charged” particles produced in pp collisions at the LHC. The experiment uses a three sectioned array of 1200 plastic scintillators + PMTs aligned to the CMS IP to provide triple incidence. milliQan expects to sensitive to charges of order 10-3 e for mass 1 GeV and charges of order 10-2 e for mass 10 GeV with 300 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. This greatly extends the parameter space explored for small charges above 100 MeV.
This is a 3D drawing that shows the milliQan location, behind 17 m of rock, and 33m from the CMS interaction point (illustrated by the black line).
A 1% scale demonstrator was installed and operated in the tunnel above CMS during LHC Run 2. After successfully producing physics results with this demonstrator, we received funding to build a larger milliQan detector for LHC Run 3. This detector is currently being built.
MilliQan Twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MilliQanCollaboration