As a student at OSU I was afforded the opportunity to hear Jameela Jamil an actress from The Good Place, as well a feminist, speak live about topics such as outrageous beauty standards, the poor representation of ethnicgroups in Hollywood, the #MeToo Movement, and many other controversial topics. There were topics discussed in which I learned a new perspective, disagreed and agreed with her. However, being able to hear a woman speak so passionately about her beliefs really inspired me to look into a lot of various topics she discusseed. Part of my goal of being a student at OSU is not only to imporve academically but to also become a well-rounded individual. After hearing her speak about the impossible beauty standards set by society resulting in an unhealthy camparsion game among individuals in society and how it affects self-esteem and body-images especilly among younger people and on social media I started to become more interested in social issues such as toxic masculinity, workplace diversity, women rights, etc. Overall this experience inspired me to start questioning the social norms around me. Some things I like the way they are and others I want to help change. However, this experience changed me forever and I will remember wherever I go.
Bug Field Research
Through Biological Scholars I was able to embark on my first trip for a bug field research. Our objective was to collect little black bugs in an Ohio gorge for Dr. Chordas Field Research. It gave me the opportunity to see a bit more of the hands on aspect of a research experiment. Although, I personally did not have much success collecting the little black bugs, I was still able to learn more about them and Dr. Chordas work. Furthermore, I was able to successfully help another student capture a grasshopper for his work as well. This opportunity gave me an insight to other fields within biology, conquer my fear of bugs, experience research outside the lab, and meet new people.
First Midterm Exam
My artifact is my first college midterm exam from my College Algebra 1148 class. I prepared a lot for this exam, but due to my inexperience with taking time tests I did not finish in time. Afterwards, I was nervous about the results. I knew I didn’t do horrible, yet I was unsatisfied knowing I could’ve done better had I at least finished my exam. Nonetheless I was able to get an 87 which is equivalent to an A- in this course. I’m happy with this grade, but I am not completely satisfied. In the future I want to feel confident when I finish my exam and I want to know that I gave it my best shot. More than anything I want to finish all my future exams, so that no matter what I am able to at least attempt to gain points with ever question and/or problem. I need to challenge myself not only while taking my exam, but when I am preparing for it as well. From now on when I take practice exams I’m going to continue to ensure I understand all the material covered, and I am going to time myself in the appropriate manner to my future exam. Although I had a decent exam outcome, my first midterm is personal reminder to challenge and time myself, while preparing for exams. Thus, I can excel in my classes and advance towards a successful college career.
[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation. An annotation is a reflective description of the artifact that attempts to communicate its significance. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]