Registration (Onsite and Online options)

To register for onsite attendance of MHM9, please complete the following Onsite REGISTRATION SURVEY. You will need a credit card to register, and any updates to the conference after you register will be sent to the email address you provide.

To register for online attendance of MHM9, please complete the following Online REGISTRATION SURVEY. Online attendance is free. The information you provide in the survey will be used to send you a website link that will be active for all 3 days of MHM9.

For onsite attendance, we have tiered registration depending on the number of days you plan to attend. The anticipated rates are as follows:

Days Attended Registration Rate
All 3 days of MHM9 $350
2 days of MHM9 $250
1 day of MHM9 $100

Registration will include the following: session attendance, conference program, coffee/tea at indicated breaks, meals on the indicated days (Day 1: breakfast, lunch, dinner; Day 2: breakfast, lunch; Day 3: breakfast, lunch). Registration does not include housing costs as this will vary depending on the hotel you stay at.

Limited funds are available to subsidize travel and registration expenses, especially for minorities and members of American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) communities. Please convey your interest in receiving a travel and/or registration subsidy by emailing